Five People You Meet in Heaven ("Heavenly Eddie") project

  • Period: to

    five people

  • The Blue Man

    The Blue Man
    What we do does matter. In fact, it even matters to people who we thought were complete strangers. I believe that "strangers are just family you have yet to come to know" (49), and that sometimes it's even a matter of life or death!
  • The Captain

    The Captain
    I am guided by the motto that "no one gets left behind" (88)--in that sense, things matter, if only to keep the crew together. But in a larger sense, making sure no one gets left behind requires sacrifices, big or small. I made the ultimate sacrifice and gave up my life so that you could escape WWII. "I didn't die for nothing..." (93)--I passed on my life to you. I know that things matter because such sacrifies, such 'living through another,' are possible!
  • Ruby

    How the past affects the present is a question I've been pondering for quite some time after my husband Emile's death.
  • Marguerite

    Listen to "You Made Me Love You"! I believe that the past does not affect the present as much as we think. Although I became sick after a car wreck on my way to catch Eddie gamblijng at the racetrack, my love for Eddie still continued strong, and his love for me. People may die, (as I did), but love won't, love is beyond time. "Lost love is still love...memory becomes your partner. You nurture it. You hold it. You dance with it" (173).
  • Tala
