Flag union of soviet socialist republics

First two decades of the USSR

  • Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

    Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
    Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was established in 1922, it was a transcontinental country.
  • Constitution of the USSR

    Constitution of the USSR
    It was dedicated to the principles of building the first socialist union multinational state due to the dictatorship of the proletariat. USSR had federal system of independent republics but only theoretically. Executive Committee served as the country's collective presidency.
  • Death of Lenin

    Death of Lenin
    Lenin died in 1924. He was important because he was the first leader of Soviet Union. Stalin got an oppurtinity, he grabbed the power.
  • First five-year plan

    First five-year plan
    Stalin changed NEP into planned economic policy. The State Planning Committee in other name Gosplan was responsible for central economic planning. The first five-year plan was created in order to initiate large-scale and rapid industrialization.
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    10 million people died of famine, for example Ukraine. This was the result of forced collectivization of agriculture as part of the First five-year plan, also the rapid industrialization.
  • Constitution of Soviet Union

    Constitution of Soviet Union
    This constitution established the political structure of the USSR and permitted several rights for citizens.
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    The Great Purge

    Stalin organized a campaign suppress and arrest people he considered enemies. It was also designed to remove the remaining influence of Leon Trotsky as well as other political rivals within the party.
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    Soviet Union fought as the part of Allied forces against Nazy Germany.