
Family Tree Assignment

  • tree worksheet

    tree worksheet
    This is an example of a family tree. you need to have this filled out by the 19th tyo the best of your ability. (request help from older memebers of you family so that a more complete tree can be made).
  • Period: to

    Family Tree Assignment

    The assignement is to create a family tree and use it to tie together things about yourself. Each student is required to do a minimum of two interviews with memebers of the family that are seen as adults. The purpose of the assignement is to see how you are different and similar to those before you.
  • what physical characteristics are the same?

    what physical characteristics are the same?
    look into the build of yourself. what are the similarities of you and the memebers that are from different generations? write two pages discribing the different aspects as well as the similarities.
    This must be sent in by the 21st
  • Interviews

    At This point interviews need to be happening to discuss what the adults in the family feel you have adopted from the genetics of the past members of your family.
  • 2 interviews

    two interviews should be complete

    At this point the paper that is required to be done should be started now. The paper needs to be a minimum of four pages. including information about genetics, their theories regarding genetics, if you believe that you can adopt habbits, and if addictions can be passed down.
  • interview sheet due

    turn in the interview sheet used in the interviews
  • create five things that you believe genetics is good for

    create five things that you believe genetics is good for
    create a list of five questions that would be a good way to argue "we need genetics research".
  • Paper is due

    Paper is due
    Turn in the unit paper.