Famaly time line

  • Back in Poland

    Before my Great grandpa came to America he was a Shepard. He used to stay days out in the field. Thats all that i got since it was so sketchy.
  • Grandmas mom

    My grandmas mom came over to america when she was 15. She was sponsored by Indiant. Every thing bout her was sketchy.
  • The start

    My Great grandfather started by leaving Greece when he 15 and went to Elise island. After he went to Chicago where his cousins lived. The first job he got in America was being a milkman where he delivered milk on a horse and buggy.
  • Jobs

    After a while, my great grandpa got tired of being a milkman and started to work in a market where they sold vegietables to restaurants.
  • Next Genaration

    After a while, my great grandpa bought an appartment building with 6 apartments in it. Thats where my Grandpa lived. My grandmother lived on the 2nd floor.
  • School

    He also got tired of that so he went to cooking school. When he graduated he barrowed money from his cousins and bought a restaurant. He then sold one and then opened another one ,with a partner, named: The Okaly restaurant.
  • Weird Marrige

    Weird enough, my grunkle (Great uncle) married a girl on the 1st floor and my grandpa married the girl on the 2nd floor. When they got married they moved on to the 3rd floor.
  • Recent discoveries

    Recently, my grandparents took a trip to grease. They stayed at their cousins house. They spent the whole afternoon with my grandpas cousin that they never see. The cousin owns a restaurant/bar in the town.
  • Sister

    My grandmas sister married a man and opened up a novelty store. Another sister grew up until she was 6 and died of Influenza.
  • Family troubles

    When my grandma was born my great grandpa left. My grandmas mom had to start working at a candy factory. she made all kinds of candy.