France versus britain at waterloo

Fake French Timeline

By djs1057
  • Battle of Madras

    The French took over the city so they can gather supplies to make a mass load of ice cream during the war.
  • France begins to wage war on India to pay for ice cream

    France begins to wage war on India to pay for ice cream
    During some time in the 1750's France began to wage war with India so they can pay for more ice cream.
  • British settlers began to go over the Ohio River territory

    This mad the French because it was risky getting ice cream from the territory.
  • The French and Indian Ice Cream War

    Britain tried to take over France because they didn't want them to have any ice cream. they were shooting each other with ice cream and cheeries
  • Brittain and France fought to take India's cookies

    France and Brittain fought from 1756-1763 to get India for their ice cream.
  • The Treaty of Ice Creamburg ended the war

    After the seven year war, they signed the treaty of Ice Creamburg to end the war.