Exploration Project

  • Aug 11, 1524

    Day 1

    Today we set off on our journey towards South Africa, the first stop is Cape Bojardor I'm so excited. We get on the ship and I;m immediatly put to work. We've been on the boat for awhile now I see port Cape Bojar in the distance, also I see these large whales swimming and poking their heads out of the water. We arrive at the port we get off of the ship and the people are selling and trading meat. This was a great first day at sea.
  • Aug 11, 1524

    Cape Bojador

    Cape Bojador
    On the port of Cape Bojador there were whale calves and humpback whales. Many people caught and killed wales which caused a negative impact which caused an endangered species in marine life. citizeens at the port were selling and trading things
  • Aug 12, 1524

    Day 2

    It's our second day on the journey and I am still upbeat and excited for this journey, Cape Bojardo was so interesting. Today we are stopping at Cape Verde. We arrive and I had to eat dry disgusting salted meat and beans, even though it's the second day I think that I am getting tired of this food. I look around and I see citizens walking around the port with donkeys and goats, they were trading them for food. So fsr I've had a good second day and looking forward to tomorrow.
  • Aug 12, 1524

    Cape Verde

    Cape Verde
    Ship captains often found it useful to stop at Cape Verde on their journey for food and water,ship repair and nautical devices. The tvenders at the port charged high prices for fresh water, solid maize, beans and dried or salted goat. Many people at the port sold and traded horses, donkey, cattle and goat hides
  • Aug 13, 1524

    Day 3

    Today were are exploring Malabo port, it is located on the north coast of the island Bubis. When we arrived many people greeted us in spanish. It is a very modern city with downtown streets with a square design. It is very cool here but also humid and dry. As we were exploring I noticed that there was very little sunshine. I don't know where I am going to sleep tonight because I don't know if the captain made arrangements.
  • Aug 13, 1524

    Port Malabo

    Port Malabo
    There is very little sunshine here. The downtown streets have a very modern square design to them. Its located on the north coast on the island of Bubis. It is a small port .There are many differnt religons here.
  • Aug 14, 1524

    Day 4

    Today we are exploring the port libreville which is located on the Komo river. When we arrived I noticed that it is a large city with lots of people. Many of the people around the city were indecent.The weather here is cool and dencent but humid also it's very sunny. Within the city there are many cultural villages around.
  • Aug 14, 1524

    Port Libreville

    Port Libreville
    It is a very small harbor. The climate is cool but has a lot of humidity. The native language here it French. The city exports raw materials such as wood, rubber and cocoa. Libreville is the captial of the country.
  • Aug 15, 1524

    Day 5

    Today we set off towards South African citie of cape town. I', exhausted the captain had us up early this morning to clean the deck, I didnt get much slepp last night from the rats sqeaking in the corner to the other crew member next to me snoring. We have finally arrived in cape town the air smells of fish the people are different, the young girls were wearing short skirts and had bare chests.The older women wore long dresses and large hats. That was my experience in Cape town
  • Aug 15, 1524

    Cape Town

    Cape Town