
Evolution of the Salamurtle

  • Red eared slider turtle

    Red eared slider turtle
    The Red eared slider turtle is one of the first ancestors of the Salamurtle. The red eared slider turtle can grow to 20 centimeters and lives in the Mississippi river and the Gulf of Mexico. Its known to be the most common pet turtle and is really common in the use of trade. The red eared slider turtle is named that because of its red stripe that goes down the side of its head and from the way it easily slides down water and rocks.
  • Eastern red backed salamander

    Eastern red backed salamander
    The Eastern red backed salamander is another on of the oldest ancestor of the salamurtle. They can grow up to 10 centimetetrs and are found in eastern North America. They are named that because of the location they are found in and also by the red stripe they have on their back.
  • Turtamander

    The Turtamander is the offspirng after the Red eared slider turtle and the Eastern red backed salamander evolved to be able to mate. The Turtamander has the head of a turtle but has the body of a salamander. The Turtamander lives on both land and water and like the turtle, they have lungs and are usually found in muds near the Colorado river.
  • Salamurtle

    The salamurtle is the evolved version of the Turtamander. The salamurtle began to develop more features of the salamander such as the ability to regenerate limbs if deattahed. Becuase of their habitat being in the nud, the Salamurtle has evolved the ability to breath through their skin and the mud keeps it moist so it can live easier. LIke its ancestors, the Salamurtle is an amphibian, meaning it lives on both land and water.