
Events, People, and Ideas of Ancient Greece

  • 400

    Hippocrates practices and studies medicine.

    Hippocrates practices and studies medicine.
    Hippocrates was known as the "Father of Medicine."He wrote a code of ethics for physicians called the Hippocratic Oath. It was a hugely influential doctor at this time with manyfollowers. A number of medical books were written around his work. Hippocrates has influenced todays day and age in many ways one of the main influence is without him we would have no medicine and everyone would be sick.It is important because without someone knowing how to make or create medicine every would be dead.
  • 447

    The construction of the Parthenon is completed in Athens.

    The construction of the Parthenon is completed in Athens.
    The Parthenon was built on the Acropolis, in 447 BC which was replacing an existing temple. The Persians destroyed it in 480 BC.The work began under the orders of Pericles. The name Parthenon came from a cult statue. The building was made out of ivory and gold. The building was finally finished in 432 BCE.The event took place in Athens. The Atheian's were involved help building the Parthenon. This was important because people can now have a temple to worship in and have cultural ceremonies.
  • Socrates is sentanced to death on charges of corrupting the young with his ideas and teaching.

    Socrates is sentanced to death on charges of corrupting the young with his ideas and teaching.
    Socrates was a great philosopher from Athens. Socrates was different than most Atheian people becuase he didn't believe in things like the Atheian's believed. In result of not believing in what the Athenian's believedhe was executed by drinking a hemlock-based drink in Athens. Ajury was held i Athens. The Atheian's would take a vote if was found guilty or not guilty. Who was involvedwas Atheian's. This was important because he should not becorrupting the young. Everyoneshould know how bad he is