Egypt since 1945

  • Republic Declared

    Republic Declared
    Coup leader Muhammad Najib becomes president of Egypt.He did this after long efforts to overthrow their leader at the time. He then declares Egypt as a republic. This caused invasions from Europe for a few years after. wikipedia
  • Six Day War

    Six Day War
    This was bewteen Israelis and Arabs athat they believed ti be impending an attack on Egypt. This was initiated by Israeli's Defense Minister. This war majorly weakened Arab forces. history
  • Yom Kippur

    Yom Kippur
    Egypt and Syria go to war. This happened to Israel during Israel's celebration of Yom Kippur. They wanted to reclaim the land they lost in 1967. A treaty is eventually signed in 1979. bbc
  • Sadat Attack

    Sadat Attack
    Anwar al-Sadat, current president at the time, is assassinated by Jihad members. Hosni Mubarak is approved as the new president by a national referendum. He becomes a target of assassination. By 1999 he is in his fourth term. bbc
  • Sinani Bomb

    Sinani Bomb
    Israeli tourists are targeted on Sinai.peninsula. Bomb attackswere taken into action on these tourists. 34 people ended up getting killed. During this time the president is reaching his fifth term. bbc
  • Press Harassed

    Press Harassed
    Newspapers protest against "government harassment". They did this because seven journalists were imprisoned and an editor was put on trial. More people become imprisoned. After a few years there was a bombing on students. bbc
  • Terror Arrests

    Terror Arrests
    49 people were arrested in the previous year. They were arrested on suspicion of helping Hezbollah send money and aid to Hamas in Gaza. A couple months later, US President Barack Obama makes a speech in Cairo. He calls for a new beginning between the United States and the Muslim world. bbc
  • President Mubarak Steps Down

    President Mubarak Steps Down
    The president deciedes to step down due too many protests and riots for him to. He gives his position to the army council. He is later arrested along with his sons. When they go on trial they are proven guilty of mass killings. bbc
  • First Free Presidential Poll

    First Free Presidential Poll
    Mohammed Morsi, Muslim Brotherhood candidate, wins the first round of voting in first free presidential elections. He is very ahead of Mubarak prime minister, Ahmed Shafiq. Military leaders announce the end of the state of emergency. It had been since Anwar al-Sadat's assassination in 1981. bbc
  • President Morsi Removed

    President Morsi Removed
    The military removes President Morsi. There had been mass casualties for him quit. The Muslim Brotherhood reject a new election. That idea was produced by the interim president, Adly Mansour. bbc