Events in Ancient Greece

  • 300

    Euclid studies and writes about mathematics and geometry

    Euclid studies and writes about mathematics and geometry
    Euclid was the creater of mathematics and geometry, he was also know by the "Father of Geometry". It is not so much who influenced Euclid but it is who he influences today. This event is very helpful and used in everyday life, with out Euclids and without the descovery of math our world would be much in need of intellegence, and even though we use it in every day life it would be hard to discover.
  • 367

    At age 17 Aristotle becomes a student at Plato at the Academy; he later teaches Alexander the great

    At age 17 Aristotle becomes a student at Plato at the Academy; he later teaches Alexander the great
    Aristotle had started to attened the acdemy in the year 367 BCE. His influence was Plato, he went to the academy for twenty years, this event is important because our education could be further advanced with his knowledge.
  • 404

    Sparta defeats Athens; The Peloponnesian War ends

    Sparta defeats Athens; The Peloponnesian War ends
    This event occured in Ancient Greece in the year 404 BCE. The Athens fought the leaders of the Peloponnesian war, Sparta. At the end of the war Sparta won. This event is important because, if it didn't happen our world could of still been in a war because of them.
  • Jan 1, 621

    Athens develops a written code of laws

    Athens develops a written code of laws
    In 621 BCE the athens developed a written set of laws. In 800 BCE the Sparta citizens created their first set of laws. This is important because with laws the place you live in will hopefully but kept safe, peaceful, and well organized and not having wars an other events
  • Jan 1, 650

    Tyrants rule some Greek city- states as a result of the poorer classes'

    Tyrants rule some Greek city- states as a result of the poorer classes'
    650 BCE
    In a tyranny the ruler is not fit to be running the state or such place. They are taking advantage fo you, your family, friends (etc...) This is important because living in tyranny is not any way to live and for the poor people to live like this is isn't a way to live a life.
  • Jan 1, 700

    The polis (city-state) becomes the centre of Greek life

    The polis (city-state) becomes the centre of Greek life
    In the 700s Polis became the main focus of Greek life. It was either a town, city, or a village served as a place where people could use for political, economic, social and religious activites. They were usually held on top of a hill.
  • Jan 1, 776

    The First Olymips take place

    The First Olymips take place
    It has been said that the first olympic games have been held in Greece at the time of 776 BCE. The Ancient Olympics were held in honour of Zues, who was the leader of all gods. Some participants who were in the first Olympics were free Greek men, except certain felons, and barbarians during the Classical Period.Married women were not aloud at the Olympics, if they tried. they were possibly killed. This is important because if it didn't happen back then, we wouldnt have them today.
  • Period: to

    The First Olympic Games take place

  • Plato opens an acedemy of learning in Athens

    Plato opens an acedemy of learning in Athens
    Plato first opened an academy in the year of 380 BCE. Plato could not help but to be influenced by Pre- Socratic philisophers. When Plato died his great ideas were taken into hand and were used, I feel this is important because with the Academy created it gave people today a greater chanche at being more intellgent and for the knowledge to carry on from years and years., generation to generation.
  • Solon becomes the sole ruler in Athens

    Solon becomes the sole ruler in Athens
    In 584 BCE there was a new ruler in Athen. This event is important because the line of rulers is being carried on and the poorer classes' are aloud to vote. Thisn event is important becasue it freed mnay people from slavery which was due to debts. This line of rulers keeps our world in better shape will keep peace between continents, countrys, and states (etc...)
  • The Blind Poet

    The Blind Poet
    In western classical tradition homer, who was a greek peot, was the auther of Illiad and Odyssey. Homer was refered to an "epic poet", and it has been said that he was blind, but knowbody knew forsure. The poet had recored events in the Trojan war and has writen both poems based on the wars, places, and things he had ssen. Homers Influence was recording lives, adventures, and other events that occured in Ancient Greece.
  • 8th Century Most Greek City- states were monarchies

    8th Century Most Greek City- states were monarchies
    It was important to have most city states ruled as a monarchy because with two rulers things could get mixed up or the two rulers could argue and disagree on many things. Monarchys are still used today and are very well organized. There are other ways to rule but Monarchie is one of them and is most important to have to keep cities organized, running as they should, and keep peace.
  • Sparta developes first written code of Greek written law to goven its military

    Sparta developes first written code of Greek written law to goven its military
    800 BCE
    in this time sparta developed the first code of the Greek Written law to goven its military. In 800 BCE when the laws were developed they were used to keep things in order to help the military (etc...) This event that happened is important becuase today we most likely use the laws today, and they would help the Greek citizens organized and keep living in peace and to help the military, and today they might as well help us today