EP 1 DeYoung, Cho, Carringtonsmith, Maniloff SS2

  • Leadership Deficit

    Leadership Deficit
    When Obama came into his Presidency in 2009, the country had massive deficits. If the Federal reserve had not stepped in with a buying programs for bonds and securities, the deficits would have been far worse. The Fed was able to quickly lower the Federal funds to below .25%. Ben Burnake tried to continue to provide to the national economy. It is monetary because it is discussing the Federal Reserve. http://www.aei.org/publication/the-fed-and-fiscal-policy-during-the-obama-years/
  • Savings Deficit

    Savings Deficit
    Obama gave a plan to help cut deficit by 3 trillion. He will achieve this by increasing taxes and using war savings to try and cut the deficit.
    Fiscal because it has to do with government taxing and spending.
  • Trade Deficit

    Trade Deficit
    The trade deficit with China reached 51.4B in the month of March, 2015. It was the highest monthly deficit since 2008 and the largest monthly increase (from February’s 35.9B) since 1999.
  • Budget Deficit

    Budget Deficit
    The fed debt was 19.5 trillion, or 105.9% GDP.
    Fiscal, b/c they choose to not raise taxes to decrease the fed debt. B/c of the budget cuts that were performed.