Enlightenment and revolutions

By mkors1
  • Montesquieu publishes book, On the spirit of laws

    Montesquieu's big idea was to seperate the forms of government, also know as seperation of powers. This idea was used by the Americans when we created our constitution.
  • America declares independence

    The declaration of independence started the American revolution and really kickstarted the fighting in the revolutionary war.
  • French Revolution

    The French Revolution left a void of power, so many people tried to fill it. The power changed many times, untill it eventually got to Robspierre. Robspierre kill many people during his reign, then he was overnthrown and replaced by a slightly more stable governement.
  • Napoleon takes over french government through a coup d'etat

    Napoleon takes over the french government, then gets france a much needed military win and the French praise and love him.
  • Napoleon crowns himself emperor and strats to create a european empire.

    Nepoleon crowns himself emperor and starts to invade and conquer other countries. After a matter of years, napoleon and the french have taken over much of europe
  • Haiti wins freedom from france

    In this revolution, slaves rebeled against their owners and forced them to flee to the city. Tousaint L'ovature was incharge of many of the slaves military operations untill he was kill.ed in battle
  • padre hidalgo calls for mexican independence

    In the grito de delores, padre hidalgo rings the church bells in his town and tells everybody who gathers after the ringing to rebel and take mexico city by force. They do, and this becomes the start of the mexican revolution.
  • Napoleon is defeated at Waterloo

    Napoleon is too arrogant and tries to defeat britin, something he has never done before. It rains the night before he he attacks, so he can't use the battle stratagy he has planed and Napoleon is. defeated. The British exile hime to an island in the middle of the atlantic, where he is sent to die.