Salon de madame geoffrin

Enlightenment and Nationalist Movement

By eyoon1
  • Montesquieu publishes book, On the Spirit of Laws

    Montesquieu publishes book, On the Spirit of Laws
    Baron de Montesquieu believed that the best government and country was a politically balanced country. He called for a division of power among different branches separation of powers. The King and ministers held executive power. The members of Parliment held legislative power. The judges of the courts held judicial power. His idea became a part of his most famous book, On the Spirit Laws. In his book, Montesquieu proposed that separation of powers would keep group from gaining total control.
  • America declares independence

    America declares independence
    Ideas of Montesquieu, Rousseau, Voltaire worked their way over to America. What’s going to lead colonists to American Revolution is not just philosophies but the abuses of the colonists: Taxes & Intolerable Acts. Battle of Lexington and Battle of Concord were
    the first steps toward Independence. The Declaration of Independence was not a document that established their government; It was an argument against the King of England.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    The Old Regime was the political & social system that existed in France before French Revolution. Under this system, the French were divided into 3 large social classes, estates: First Estate were the clergy, Second Estate were the nobility, and the third Estate were rest of population (poor commoners). The First two estates had privileges and the 3rd had nothing; they were mad about getting taxed and having a poor leader, King Louis XVI, so they revolted.
  • Napoleon overthrows the Directory through a coup d’etat

    Napoleon overthrows the Directory through a coup d’etat
    By 1799, the Directory lost control of political situation & confidence of the people. When Napolean returned from Egypt, he was urged by friends to seize political power. In early November of 1799, w/ troops under his command, N surrounded national legislature & drove out most of members. Lawmakers who remained then voted to dissolve Directory. Instead they established a group of 3 consuls, 1 of whom was Napoleon
    He quickly took title of 1st consul & assumed power of dictator.
  • Napoleon crowns himself emperor, begins to create a vast European Empire

    Napoleon crowns himself emperor, begins to create a vast European Empire
    Napolea decided to make himself emperor & French voters supported him. In Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, the Emperor took crown from the Pope & placed it on his own head. That gesture signaled that he was more powerful than Church (traditionally crowned rulers of France). Napolean was not content with being master of France, he wanted to control rest of Europe & reassert French power in Americas. He envisioned a Western Empire including Louisiana, Florida, French Guiana & French West Indies.
  • Haiti wins freedom from France

    Haiti wins freedom from France
    Saint Domingue was a French colony also known as Haiti; it was the 1st Latin American territory to free itself from European rule.
    About 500,000 enslaved Africans worked on French plantations & outnumbered masters by a lot; white masters used brutal method to terrorize them & keep them powerless. During French Revolution, oppressed people in Haiti rose up against French masters. In August 1791, 100,000 enslaved Africans rose up in revolt.
  • Padre Hidalgo calls for Mexican Independence

    Padre Hidalgo calls for Mexican Independence
    Padre Miguel Hidalgo took 1st step toward independence. He was a Priest in small village of Dolores. Hidalgo was poor but a well-educated man. He firmly believed in Enlightenment ideals. In September 16, 1810, he rang the bells of village church & when the people gathered, he issued call for rebellion against Spanish
    This event was called grito de Dolores=cry of Dolores. In September 17, 1810, Hidalgo’s Indian & mestizo followers began to march toward Mexico City.
  • Napoleon is defeated at the Battle of Waterloo

    Napoleon is defeated at the Battle of Waterloo
    People, including Napolean, with hubris will eventually lose. Napolean meet the Duke of Wellington on the battle field in Waterloo, a British town. Napoleon noticed that the field is very wet. He had mostly horses so he decided to pause and wait until sun is out. Wellington defeats Napoleon because Napolean hesitated. Napoleon lost the battle and was exiled for the last time to St. Helena, Middle of the Atlantic Ocean; near Africa.