Election of 1912

  • The amount of electoral votes vs popular votes to recieve presidency

    The amount of electoral votes vs popular votes to recieve presidency
    Wilson had 435 electoral votes vs. 6,293,454 popular votes
  • Events that made the election memorable

    Events that made the election memorable
    Socialist Party candidate Eugene V. Debs received about 900,000 votes, but no Electoral Votes. Taft's 8 Electoral Votes fewest ever for an incumbent. It was the first time 4 former presidents ran in an election. Woodrow Wilson was the second of another democratic to be president between 1856 and 1932. This is also the last election in which a third party candidate came in second in the Electoral College.
  • Woodrow Wilson Democratic party

    Woodrow Wilson Democratic party
    The democratic part nominated him for presidency in 1912. After 46 ballots he defeated the speaker of the house, Champs Clark
  • The year of 1912

    The year of 1912
    By 1912, progressive ideals had made inroads in both major political parties. Progressives believed that the federal government should heavily involve itself in the betterment of society and public welfare. In 1912, these ideals split the Republican Party between the old guard represented by the incumbent William Howard Taft and the progressives, led by former president and third-party candidate Theodore Roosevelt. This split enabled the Democratic candidate Woodrow Wilson to win the 1912 electi
  • political cartoon

    political cartoon