
Egyptian Revolution 20th Century: Kayla Cook Jasbir Bains Rody Collado Aimee Ciezza

  • Protest Begins

    Protest Begins
    Egyptian Protest begins against government and Egypt's president Hosni Mubarak
  • President Hosni

    President Hosni
    Hosni made a televised adrdres stating he would not run for another term and promised politcal reform but stayed in office causing small and violent clashes between pro and anit-Mubrak groups
  • Egypt Massacre

    Egypt Massacre
    Gunmen fire on anti-government protesters in Cairo 10 people killed 830 people injured . The UN estimated 300 died
  • New Election

    Breaking an earlier pledge not to submit a presidential candidate, the Muslim Brotherhood announced that it selected Khairat al-Shater (a businessman and senior member of the organization), to run in the upcoming presidential election as the nominee of the Freedom and Justice Party
  • Mudarak Pays

    Mudarak is fined 38 million dollars for cutting off communtcations service during the uprising which ousted him
  • Trial Annocunced

    Trial Annocunced
    It was announced that Hosni Mubarak and his son woould be tried over the deaths of anti-government
  • Election begins

    Primary Election begins
  • Fighting for More

    Protesters demanding an immediate transfer of power to a civilian government again clashed with security forces in downtown Cairo.
  • Woman Take Charge

    Police beat women widely while women protest in Tharir Square
  • Angry Citizens

    Assailants with rocks and firebombs attacked demonstrators gathered outside the Defense Ministry in Egypt’s capital to call for an end to military rule