Economy and Development

  • Period: Oct 2, 1500 to

    Economy and Development

  • Oct 23, 1500

    Native Americans

    The Natives traded between families, groups and various tribes. They traded with a barter system. They only traded for what they needed and not for what they wanted. The men were hunters and the women were farmers. The elderly took care of the children.
  • Period: to

    French Regime

  • Fur trade

    The fur trade was the main economic activity in New France because there was a very high demand for furs in Europe. There were many consequences good and bad:
    -Very small population.
    -Very large expantion of territory.
    -Establishment of trading posts.
  • Chartered Companies

    The Chartered Companies were given privelages by the king such as being the only ones to trade furs. But they had obligations as well to populate New France which they didn't do. That is why there was such a low population of New France.
  • Economy based on fur under British Regime

    Economy based on fur under British Regime
    -Fur trade was passed into the hands of the English.
    -Creation of North-West company.
    -North-West company and Hudson's Bay company merge in 1821.
    -Decline in fur trade by the 1800s
  • Period: to

    British regime

  • Timber

    -In 1806 Nepoleon set a blockade for timber so Britain turned to Quebec for timber.
    -Economic activities in timber opened up new jobs such as lumberjacks, loggers, sawmills, etc.
    -The Bank of Montreal opened up for people to invest and obtain credit.
  • Period: to

    Contemporary Period

  • Contemporary Period

    -People started exploiting resources, like ore pulp and paper.
    -Source of capital in different economic sectors.
    -Birth of crown corporations.
  • The Nationalist Politics

    3 main points:
    -Increase Custom Duties
    -Build Railways
    -Encourage Immigration
  • First phase of Industrialization

    The first phase of Industrialization began in the late 19th century. People stopped farming and moved to the cities to work in factories. People started to farm more dairy products and stop farming wheat products. Factories were dangerous, and boring work. Factories became more and more safe over time.
  • Workers' Demands

    The demand of workers started up Unions. These Unions helped protect the workers and make the working envorinment safer and better for workers. Workers demanded for safer factories, better hours, etc.
  • The Great Depression

    The great depression started when the stock market chreashed in 1929. The government had many solutions that they set to try and help people during this depression such as:
    -Public works projects
    -Work camps
    -Direct aid
    -Encouraged Farming The great depression ended at the begining of WW2 which let to a huge economic boost.
  • Industrial Development

    Industrial Development
    -First phase (1867-1900)
    -Second phase (1900-1930)
    -War period (1939-1945)
    -Post-war period (1945-1970) The source of capital was now from the USA
  • The Quiet Revolution

    The quiet revolution began with the electoral defeat of the union nationale by Jean Lesage and his liberal party. It was a rapid and far-reaching process of social, economic and polititial reform in Quebec.