Early Civilizations- Lexi Koch

  • 146

    Greece-Interaction with environment

    Rome conquers Greece. War ends.
  • 206


    Qin Shihuargdi becomes first ruler to be considered an emporer. Political rules change.
  • 206

    China-Interaction with environment

    First Qin emporer collapses after death. Roles change due to death.
  • 206

    China-interaction with environment

    King Ying Zheng builds the Great Wall of China. Architecture becomes more important to environment.
  • 206


    Liu Bang founds the Han dynasty. A new race constructs.
  • 206


    King Ying Zheng unites much of the Chinese heartland. Land expands and advances.
  • 220

    Social-Indus Valley

    Asoka conquered much of the subcontinet. Conflict arises in the continent.
  • 250


    Parthians rule and establish a new empire. Mesopotamia expands.
  • 250

    Political-Indus Valley

    Asoka wages war against Kingdom of Kalinga. Conflict arises drastically.
  • 300

    Interaction with environment-Mesopotamia

    Seleucid empire is established. This changed the settlement patterns.
  • 311

    Rome-interaction with environment

    Galerius dies in Saudis. Many deaths in this era.
  • 331


    Alexander the Great conquers Persians. Mesopotamia ruled by the Seleucid Greeks.
  • 410


    Rome is attacked by Alaric II. War is a huge conflict.
  • 410

    Middle ages-social

    Rome is sacked by Alaric, King of the Visigoth. Decisive event in the decline of the Western Roman Empire
  • 431

    middle ages-social

    Council of Ephesus Confirmed the original Nicene Creed,and condemned the teachings of Nestorius, Patriarch of Constantinople, that led to his exile and separation with the Church of the East.
  • 432


    Parthenon temple is finished. Architecture advances.
  • 446


    Peace treaty signed with Sparta. They are now more free.
  • 455

    Middle ages-social

    ome is sacked by Genseric, King of the Vandals. Another decisive event in the Fall of Rome and held by some historians to mark the "end of the Roman Empire".
  • 457


    Aritus is killed. The class structure is changed.
  • 472


    Theatres become popular. Entertainment advances.
  • 472

    Rome-interaction with environment.

    Ricimer and Olympius die. Could be sickness from disease.
  • 475

    Rome-Interaction with environment

    Julius Nepos is forced to flee to Dalmatia. Conflict is ruined.
  • 476

    Middle ages- political

    Odoacer deposes the last Roman Emperor Romulus Augustulus This is considered to be the starting point of the Middle Ages
  • 500

    middle ages-political

    Battle of Mons Badonicus.The West Saxon advance is halted by Britons in England. Chiefly known today for the supposed involvement of King Arthur but because of the limited number of sources, there is no certainty about the date, location, or details of the fighting.
  • 500


    Classical period begins. A new change in culture.
  • 507

    Middle ages-political

    The Franks under Clovis defeat the Visigoths in the Battle of Vouille. The Visigoths retreated into Spain
  • 524

    Middle ages-interaction with environment

    Boethius writes his Consolation of Philosophy It has been described as the single most important and influential work in the West on Medieval and early Renaissance Christianity.
  • 525

    Middle ages-interaction with environment

    Dionysius Exiguus publishes the Dionysius Exiguus' Easter table.This initiated the Anno Domini era, used for the Gregorian and Julian calendars.
  • 532

    Middle ages-culture

    Nika Riots in Constantinople. Nearly half the city being burned or destroyed and tens of thousands of people killed.
  • 533

    Middle ages-economic

    Byzantines, under Belisarius, retake North Africa from the Vandals. Vandal kingdom ends and the Reconquest of North Africa is completed.
  • 534


    Pomerian boundary of Rome. The country itself advances.
  • 534

    Middle ages-culture

    Justinian I publishes the Code of Civil Law. This compiled centuries of legal writings and imperial pronouncements into three parts of one body of law.
  • 554

    Middle ages-economic

    Gothic War in Italy as a part of Justinian's Reconquest. Byzantines retook Italy but crippled the Byzantine economy and left Italy unable to cope against the oncoming Lombards.
  • 564

    middle ages-economic

    Saint Columba founds mission in Iona. Constructed an abbey which helped convert the Picts to Christianity until it was destroyed and raided by the Vikings in 794.
  • Oct 28, 612

    Mesopotamia-Interacton with environment

    Assyrian empire falls. Environment experiences a crisis.
  • Oct 28, 616


    A new ruler is in place, Lucus Priscus. Leadership role changes.
  • Oct 28, 642


    Ancus Marciles is a new leader. Leadership roles change.
  • Oct 28, 650


    Corinth was taken over by Kypselos. Conlict causes a change in politics.
  • Oct 28, 673


    A new ruler is in place. Julius Hostilius is the new leader.
  • Oct 28, 707


    King Huan led campaign against Duke Zhyang of Zheng. They are led into a huge conflict.
  • Oct 28, 722

    China-interaction with environment

    Spring and Autumn seasons begin. A chnage in the environment is starting.
  • Oct 28, 752


    Latin moves to Italy. Economy division changes.
  • Oct 28, 770


    Zhou dynasty replaces the Shang Dynasty. The labor systems change due to this change.
  • Oct 28, 770


    The Zhou state collapses. A new leader and system is needed.
  • Oct 28, 776


    First Olympi games. This shows advancement in freedom.
  • Oct 28, 1000

    Economic-Indus Valley

    Aryans drift east towards Ganges. The economy is slowly moving.
  • Oct 28, 1000


    Toumba building is built. Architecture at its finest.
  • Oct 28, 1046


    Shang Dynasty unites much of north China. The nation is differentiated.
  • Oct 28, 1100

    interaction with environment-Greece

    End of Miletus and resettlement. Division of land is split.
  • Oct 28, 1100


    Upper and Lower Egypt is split. Distribution of land changes.
  • Oct 28, 1122


    Zhou dynasty is founded. A new culture is brought up.
  • Oct 28, 1200


    Assyrians conquer much of the land. Conflict changes the land distribution.
  • Oct 28, 1398


    Capital moved from Zhingzhou to Yinxu. Architecture is changing.
  • Oct 28, 1400


    King Tut becomes Pharaoh. A new ruler is in place.
  • Oct 28, 1400


    Akhenaten changed Egyptian religion. A new culture is brought up.
  • Oct 28, 1500


    Hatshepsut becomes pharaoh. A new ruler is put on the throne.
  • Oct 28, 1500


    Mitannian controls northern Mesopotamia and Kassiles controls southern Mesopotamia. Area is split due to conflict and war.
  • Oct 28, 1500

    Economic-Indus Valley

    Aryans occupy the land. Distribution of land is chnaged.
  • Political-China

    Battle of Mingtaio. Conflict through country.
  • Political-Mesopotamia

    Hittities raid Babylon. Conflict is stressing the country.
  • Political-Egypt

    Ahmose unify country. The nation is now a whole.
  • Political-Egypt

    Hyksos rulers take cpntrol of Delta region. The nation is changed by powerful rulers.
  • Political-indus Valley

    Signs of decline apper. Political structure is lessened.
  • Political-mesopotamia

    Hammurabi unites much of Mesopotamia. The political structure changes.
  • Culture-Egypt

    Agricultural development of the Faiyum. Architecture of Egypt changes.
  • Egypt-culture

    Earliest parts of Temple of Kamak built. Architecture advances.
  • Economic-Egypt

    Egyptians control Nubia. Distribution is seperated due to new control.

    Ur is destroyed by Elamites and Amorities. This is significant because now there is one less city and the capital is no longer the same.

    Pictographic recprd keeping is created. This helps because technology is advancing.
  • Middle ages-interaction with environment

    Justinian I becomes Eastern Roman Emperor.Justinian is best remembered for his Code of Civil Law and expansion of imperial territory retaking Rome from the Ostrogoths.
  • Social-Indus Valley

    Indian Prince Siddhartha rules. A new ruler begins his reign.
  • Culture-Indus Valley

    Asoka introducs Buddhism to his empire. Religion and culture beliefs improve.
  • Greece-Political

    Democracy begins in Athens. A new way of politics is created.
  • Greece-political

    Greeks defeat persians. War comes to end.
  • Greece-economic

    Plato establishes Athen academy. Architecture is advancing.
  • Greece-economic

    Ionian revolt defeats Persia. War is broken out.
  • culture-Rome

    Hispania Ulterior becomes Roman Provinces. Cultural diffusion in place.
  • Culture-Rome

    Office of consal is replaced. Architectural places are chnaged.
  • economic-Rome

    First census in place. Advancement to modern times.
  • economic-Rome

    Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus. Architecture and art appreciated.
  • Middle ages-culture

    Benedict of Nursia founds monastery at Monte Cassino. the first of twelve monasteries founded by Saint Benedict, beginning the Order of Saint Benedict.
  • Mesopotamia-Social

    Mesopotamia is ruled by Persians. Leadership is changed and taken over.
  • Culture-Indus Valley

    Buddhism froms. A new religion is created and praised.
  • Social-Indus Valley

    Asoka becomes ruler of Mauryan empire. Leadership roles change.
  • Greece-social

    Philip II took control of Greece. New leadership present.
  • Greece-interaction with environment

    Perkiles dies. A new leader is needed.
  • Rome-social

    Juliuss Nepos is killed. Death changes the structure.
  • Mesopotamia-culture

    Mentuhotep II gained control of entire country. Nationalism changes the entire country to be ruled under one.
  • Mesopotamia-Culture

    Ur becomes capital of the new empire. This is a national change in culture.
  • Political-Indus Valley

    Indus civilization reaches its peak.The Government is as good as it ever was.
  • Indus Valley-Interaction with environment

    First toys made of baked clay created. The tecgnology is advancing.
  • interaction with environment-Egypt

    Pyramid of Giza is built. Technology is advancing.
  • Economics-Indus Valley

    Early settlements develop into Urban Civilization. This civilization will grow and create further areas.
  • Mesopotamia-culture

    Royal tombs of Ur were created. This shows their traditions of building tombs and their respect.
  • Indus valley- Iteraction with environment

    Indus Script is used. New way to communicate is discovered.
  • interaction with environment-Egypt

    First stone pyramid is built. Technology is advancing.
  • culture- Mesopotamia

    Legeendary ruler Gilgamesh is in power. This is a huge stepping stone for Mesopotamia because they gain from him.
  • culture-China

    Longshan culture is in use. This is important because it shows a change in leadership.
  • culture-Indus Valley

    Earliest civilization grows out of small communities. The Indus Valley empire is spreading.
  • Interaction with emvironment-Indus Valley

    New farming communities established in Northwest. This helps civilization grow.
  • Mesopotamia-culture

    Signs were used to write Sumerians. This changes the culture because they are now becoming inclined with Sumerians.

    Hieroglyphic script is developed. This is important because technology is becoming more advanced and helpful.

    Narmer becomes ruler of Egypt. This is important because more rulers are coming into play and helping develop civilizations.

    Narmer unifies upper and lower Egypt. The distribution of land is becoming more useful.

    Cities grow rapidly acroos Mesopotamia. This is important because more land is being consumes and used.

    Early settlers come in Nile Valley. Significance is more people are coming and is becoming more urban.

    This marks the end of the Hemudu culture. This is significant because it is a complete change in cultures in China