The War in Honduras and the enlightenment era are similar becuase they wanted their freedom form their govement useding the enlightenment era for help

  • Jan 1, 1523

    Spanish conquistadors

    Spanish conquistadors includes central America including Guatemala and honduras.spanish created a stronghold in Guatemala (Historyworld )
    When the Spanish had control of Honduras and Guatemala they made a stronghold there.
  • Hobbes’s Social Contract

    He said that everyone is evil since they are born there is noting to change that(Beck, Roger B.)
  • Voltaire Combats Intolerance

    Voltaire said that goverment should not mix with anything that is not about government(Beck, Roger B.)
  • Montesquieu and the Separation of Powers

    Montesquieu said that there is a sceaperded of power of government(Beck, Roger B.)
  • Rousseau: Champion of Freedom

    Rousseau said that everyone should have their freedom nomather what.(Beck, Roger B.)
  • Recognizing the forceful

    Recognizing the forceful leadership of Iturbide, the colonists of Guatemala offer to merge their region
    Guatemala merges with Iturbide to make a stronger army(HISTORY OF HONDURAS)
  • The transition to statehood

    Honduras because its only state(HISTORY OF HONDURAS)
  • Period: to

    Honduran general Francisco Morazán

    who is president from Hounduras He attempts to introduce liberal reforms, but by the federation is in such chaos that it has effectively ceased to exist. The five regions carry on as independent nations.(HISTORY OF HONDURAS)
  • Honduras is under the control

    Honduras is under the control of a conservative faction when it breaks away from Central American Federation(Histoy)
    Is the time when Honduras broke free from central American for their indepesdes
  • Locke’s Natural Rights

    That you have 3 natural rights and that the government should protect them(Beck, Roger B.)
  • work cited

    "HISTORY OF HONDURAS." HISTORY OF HONDURAS. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2016. Beck, Roger B. World History: Patterns of Interaction. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell, 2005. Print.