dont be a bully be a buddy

  • bullied

    Im running a bully free program.Were we help out bullies and people who are getting bullied.If your not being bullied you can still help out.
  • ways to help

    ways to help
    If you see some one being bullied tell them to stop if things seem to get worse get an adult right away dont wiat for things to get can also help by given are card out pass it around to people who need it. Tell them aboutus and what we can dofor them.
  • bullies

    This program is not only for people who are being picked on but it is also for bullies . I know sounds funny. But we also help them to let them know that its not ok for them to bully people becuase thats how people get hurt and if some one gets hurt your the one who is going to get in trouble. and alot of the time when people are bulling others its becuase they had a hard life so they take it out on some one who is weaker then them or becuase things are going on at home or they have been picked