
  • 6500 BCE

    6500 BCE

     6500 BCE
    Skulls found in France shows signs of rudimentary surgery called trepanation, which involves drilling a hole in the skull.
  • 4300 BCE

    4300 BC

    4300 BC
    Trepanation is known among the Bronze Age Harappan people of the Indus Valley Civilization.
  • 4000 BCE

    4000 BC

    4000 BC
    Trepanation is evident in Jericho in Palestine
  • 3000 BCE

    3000 BC

    3000 BC
    Surgeons were immobilizing fractures, excising, tumors and suturing wounds with linen thread.
  • 2000 BCE

    2000 BCE

    2000 BCE
    Medicine men in Peru trephination, cutting holes in the skulls of brave or foolhardy patients.
  • 1750 BCE

    1750 BCE

    1750 BCE
    The code of Hammurabi, one of the earliest Babylonian codes of laws, details regulation governing surgeons, medical malpractice, and victim's compensation.
  • 1700 BCE

    1700 BC

    1700 BC
    -Believed in the need to treat the whole body by curing the spirit and nourishing the body
    -Recorded a pharmacopoeia of medications based mainly on the use of herbs
    -Used therapies such as acupuncture
    -Began to search for medical reasons for illness
    -Average life span was 20-30 years
  • 1550 BCE

    1550 BCE

    1550 BCE
    The Ebers Papyrus, an ancient Egyptian medical treaty, includes information on how to surgically treat crocodile bites and serious burns
  • 1500 BCE

    1500 BCE

    1500 BCE
    The Ebers Papyrus, an ancient Egyptian medical treaty, includes information on how to surgically treat crocodile bites and serious burns.
  • 1200 BCE

    1200 BC

    1200 BC
    -First to observe the human body and the effects f disease-led to modern medical sciences
    -Believed illness is a result of natural causes
    -Used therapies such as massage, art therapy, and herbal treatment
    -Average life span 25-35 years
  • 600 BCE

    600 BCE

    600 BCE
    Sushruta, regarded as the "founding father of surgery, " was an innovator of plastic surgery, including rhinoplasty.
  • 550 BCE

    550 BCE

    550 BCE
    The Indian physician Susruta pioneers plastic surgery of the nose.
  • 400 BCE

    400 BCE

    400 BCE
    Hippocrates, on the Greek island of Kos, founds an influential school of medicine
  • 370 BCE

    370 BC

    370 BC
    These physicians diminished the field of surgery, which consisted mainly of amputations and bloodletting. Bloodletting was rooted in the Ancient Times when Hippocrates.
  • 208


    Chinese physician Hua Tuo begins using wine and cannabis as an anesthetic during surgery.
  • 950

    950 BCE

    950 BCE
    The world's oldest prosthetic devices are toes for amputees, made in ancient Egypt of wood and leather.
  • 1000


    The first illustrated manual of surgery is written by Abul Kasim, an Arab physician in Cordoba.
  • 1916

    Austrian surgeon Hermann Schloffer performs the first splenectomy operation.
  • 2003

    A deadly new form of pneumonia, SARS (Serve Acute Respiratory Syndrome) is first reported in Hanoi and soon spreads globally.
  • 2005

    French surgeon Bernard Devauchelle and his team in Amiens carry out the first human face transplant.
  • 2009

    The World Health Organization declares that "swine flu" has reached the status of a pandemic.
  • 2016

    Team at Johns Hopkins Hospital completes the first ever HIV-to-HIV liver and kidney transplants from deceased donors.
  • 6000 BCE

    6000 BCE
    During the Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic times, knives, saws, and drills made of stones such as flint are used for surgery, amputation, and trepanation.