digital timeline

  • 8,000 b.c unit 1 #1

    Neotholic Revolution , people discovered how to farm and no longer had to be nomadic and move from place to place. Agriculture also advanced
  • 3,000 b.c unit 1 #2

    Rise of Civilizations, farming became complex civilizations
  • Around 3,000 b.c unit 1 #3

    River Valley civilization rises such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, and China
  • Around 550 b.c unit 1 #4

    Civilizations are turned into empires. For example, Mesopotamia Civilization turned into the Persian empire
  • Around 550 b.c unit 1 #5

    Mesopotamia controlled by Persians. Kings Cyrus and Darius conquered Egypt, India, and Mesopotamia
  • around 509 b.c Unit 2 #4

    Ancient Rome divided into three groups Plebians, Shopkeepers, and Peasant. Plebians made up 95% of the population
  • 509 b.c Unit 2 #5

    Romans created a republic where citizens had the power to choose their leaders.
  • 479 b.c Unit 2 #2

    Greek democracy divided into Athens and Rome. Athens was more organized and Rome had more rights.
  • 479 b.c Unit 2 #1

    Greece arises ,Civilization of significace because it changes alot .
  • 451 b.c Unit 2 #6

    Twelve Tables. they we're Rome laws based on the idea that all citizens have a right to the protection of the law.
  • 321 b.c unit 1 #6

    Indian empire controlled by king of India Chandragup Maurya in 321 b.c and he created a huge army. Asoka ruled during 269 b.c until he dies , also Buhdism was spread because of his influence.
  • 206 b.c Unit 1 #8

    Chin, Han Dynasty. government in China was based on the dynastic cycle. Han Kings built a powerful army and expanded into Asia. Technologies advanced like silk and paper and literacy increased in China.
  • 117 a.d unit 2 #3

    Rome rises after greek another Significant classical Civilization
  • 320 a.d Unit 1 # 7

    After Asokas death, Gupta Empire arises controlled by Chandra Gupta whom expans the empire. Indian Astronomers weare first to discover that the earth was round.
  • 500 a.d Unit 2 #7

    Roman empire falls, Byzantine empire rises. (Eastern Roman Empire )
  • 550 a.d Unit 2 #8

    50 years after Rome falls Justinian comes into power. He makes the empire better and builds aqueducts, public baths, Schools and Courts. His wife Theodora also played a huge part in helping the empire. She helped pass laws , met with foreigners, and built Christian Cathedrals.
  • 600-700 Unit 3 #5

    Use of Arabic language promoted learning. Sscholars from around the world come to research & translate texts from Greece, Persia , and more.
  • 600-700 Unit 3 #6

    Muslims established soone of the world's first hospitals and based their knowledge ofof of worksin aancient Greece.
  • 600-700 Unit 3 #7

    Muslims learned how to make paper from Chinese whom they got many of their ideas from.
  • 600-700 Unit 3 #8

    Muslims develoled an art known as arabesque, which uses ornate drawings and geometric patterns to decorate objects.
  • 661 Unit 3 #2

    Capital moves from Medina to dasmascus and later to Bagdad.
  • 662 Unit 3 #1

    Muhammads journey to Medina began the spread of islam
  • 732 Unit 3 #3

    Frans stop Muslim advance
  • 751 Unit 3 #4

    Muslims present China's conquest to Islamic lands.