N1528204811 313442 5577430

Developmental Psychology

  • Birth

    I was born a healthy big baby. I weighed 9.0 pounds and was 20.1 inches long.
  • Psychosocial - The first two years.

    Psychosocial - The first two years.
    I was an only child living with both my mom and dad, who were both in their mid-twenties. My mom stayed home with me during the day until I was 2 years old. I never went to daycare, but when my mom had to go back to work my grandma would come over and play with me. I went to a parent and tot group where I made some friends and had 'play dates' with. I had 7 older cousins who I was also around a lot and enjoyed playing with.
  • Cognitive - The first two years.

    Cognitive - The first two years.
    I needed my pacifier to fall asleep until I was 2 years old, and my parents tell me that whenever I was crying they would give me my pacifier and I would calm down instantly. I wanted to do everything like my mom, like carrying a purse and wearing make up. My first word was "more" and I would say it when I wanted more food or more time playing with someone. Shortly after I said "mama."
  • Biosocial- The first two years.

    Biosocial- The first two years.
    I was born with dark black hair, but within the first few months it changed to bright blonde. I had hazel eyes. As a baby I always slept through the night. Despite having asthma, I was a healthy little girl.
  • Cognitive- The play years.

    Cognitive- The play years.
    I was very talkative in these years. I also wanted to be a singer, and sang everything I said, probably driving my parents crazy. I loved to play outside on the swing set my dad built me, which is good because at this age, kids learn through play. My mom was very much into helping me with school, and I had to practice math, reading, and other subjects everyday in workbooks - even in Summer.
  • Psychosocial - The play years.

    Psychosocial - The play years.
    I started preschool when I was 3 years old and absolutely loved going. I was very social. My parents were authoritative, and were very nurturing, but also directed my behavior in a positive way. I was only allowed to watch TV for one hour a day. This was beneficial because it got me to use my imagination and play outside. When I was 5 years old I became a big sister. I did get jealous of all the attention my little brother was getting, but my parents made sure I was always included.
  • Biosocial- The play years.

    Biosocial- The play years.
    I was an average size for my age when I was around 5 and 6 years old. I was not a picky eater, I loved to eat everything, even broccoli and other food most kids wouldn't touch. I was in gymnastics when I was five, which probably helped my motor skills develop.
  • Cognitive- The school years.

    Cognitive- The school years.
    1997- 2002
    I excelled in school, and was placed in some advanced classes. In 3rd grade, I went to the 5th grade class for reading. I still really enjoyed school and looked up to my teachers.
  • Biosocial- The school years

    Biosocial- The school years
    I was on the taller side when I was around nine and ten, but eventually evened out with everyone else. I hated gym class because I had to take my inhaler with me, but I still stayed active. I played tennis with my dad and played in the backyard with my little brother.
  • Psychosocial- The school years

    Psychosocial- The school years
    I had a few friends that I was close with, but not the 'popular' crowd. I was never really bullied, but didn't fit in with everyone either, I was in the middle, and I was okay with that. My parents are together and never fight in front of me. Our house is balanced and is a nuturing place to grow up in. I wasn't as dependent on my parents during these years and spent more time with friends.
  • Biosocial-Adolescence

    I started puberty later than a lot of the other girls my age in middle school. I was an average weight and height throughout adolescence. I never smoked or did drugs. I did try drinking alcohol with friends a few times during later on in these years.
  • Cognitive- Adolescence

    Cognitive- Adolescence
    During the adolescence stage I began to care more about what I wore and what people though of me. I thought that if I came to school wearing something "uncool" it would be all that anyone woudl talk about. I grew out of these by ages sixteen and on. I was still doing well in school, and got a 23 on my ACT exam and graduated high school with a 3.5 GPA.
  • Psychosocial- Adolescence

    Psychosocial- Adolescence
    During the early years of adolescence, particularly ages 14 and 15, I was really disconnected from my parents. I didn't think they were "cool" enough since they wouldn't let me stay out late or have a boyfriend. By time I was around 17, I was getting along with them again. I had my first boyfriend in these years when I was 16. When I was 15 years old, I developed some anxiety issues after I was robbed walking home from the bus.
  • Adult

  • Emerging Adulthood- Biosocial

    Emerging Adulthood- Biosocial
    2011-2016 This is the current stage I am in, I am 19 years old, almost 20. I am in good health, and try to work out several times a week. For the most part, I maintain a healthy diet. I have asthma, but take a daily inhaler, and it is under control. I have several friends that I am close with, but less friends than I had when I was in adolescence.
  • Emerging Adulthood - Cognitive

    Emerging Adulthood - Cognitive
    2010- 2016I am currently enrolled n college, it is my last year at Schoolcraft and this Fall I will be going to Eastern Michigan University. In Spring 2014 I will graduate from EMU with a Bachelor of Science and Master of Occupational Therapy degree. My GPA at Schoolcraft is a 3.98 and I am very involved.
  • Emerging Adulthood- Psychosocial

    Emerging Adulthood- Psychosocial
    2011-2016 am a server at an italian restaurant and it is getting me through college but is not my career. I have a boyfriend of over 3 years and we do not live together and do not plan to marry any time soon. I have a close few friends that I see several times a week.
  • Adulthood- Biosocial

    2017-2056 I am starting to form wrinkles in this period. Since In my early 20s I already have bad eyesight, it will most likely get progressively worse, along with a decline in hearing ability. Hopfully I will have a child in this time period. I plan to not begin to smoke either, so hopefully my health will remain well.
  • Adulthood- Cognitive

    2017-2056 I hope to be settled into my career by now and managing my money properly. Hopefully my intellectual abilities improve with age, as the text book says may happen.
  • Adulthood - Psychosocial

    I hope to be married and have children during this point in my life. I would like to remain in contact with my friends, parents, and brother, but also have a family of my own.
  • Late Adulthood- Biosocial

    In my late adult hood years I want to be healthy, active, and independent. My hearing and vision will be getting worse. I will maintain a healthy diet to help live a long healthy life,
  • Late Adulthood- Cognitive

    Thinking and processing information is slower. I will become wise from all of my life experiences. Memory loss can occur during these years.
  • Late Adulthood- Psychosocial

    I will be retired and hopefully still able to live on my own. I can fix up a nice little garden in the backyard and maintain a clean happy house. I will continue to interact with family and friends.
  • Death

    According to family history and the quiz we took in Psych 229, I am predicting I will die in my late 80's or early 90's after a healthy and happy life.