Developmental Psych

  • Infancy/Emotional Development

    Were you securely or insecurely attached to your primary caregiver? I was securely attached to my mother.
  • Birth

    I was born!
  • Infancy/Physical Development

    When did you start walking? I was around 11 months
  • Infancy/Emotional Development

    What was your temperament like as a baby? I was a very quiet baby.
  • Infancy/Cognitive Development

    Tell a story from your life that demonstrates one concept of Piaget's stages of Cognitive Development. I was a huge fan of peek-a-boo when I was in the sensorimotor stage
  • Early Childhood/Cognitive Development

    Early Childhood/Cognitive Development
    What sort of interests did you have as a young child? Does this fit within researchers ideas of conceptualization and categorization? I loved coloring with my grandmother.
  • New Sister!

    My little sister, Anna Claire, was born
  • Early Childhood/Emotional Development

    Early Childhood/Emotional Development
    How did family and friends describe you as a child? Was it the same or different from infancy? I got progressively louder the older I got. When I was a child I was silent, and by the time I turned five I was singing Shania Twain in Sunday school class
  • Move

    I moved from Atlanta to Birmingham
  • Early Childhood/Cognitive Development

    What is one way you remember your parents and/or teacher acting in a way that you know helped your language acquisition? I actually went to a speech therapist when I was young because I couldn't correctly pronounce my R's. So, I remember having to repeat R words a lot.
  • Early Childhood/Cognitive Development

    Early Childhood/Cognitive Development
    Tell a story from your life that demonstrates a concept from Piaget's stages of Cognitive Development. I really started to love to tell stories. However, at this age I was creative, but I couldn't tie the stories down to any specific meaning or make them at all cohesive.
  • Middle and Late Childhood/Cognitive Development

    Tell a story from your life that demonstrates one concept of Piaget's stages of Cognitive Development. I continued to love to tell stories, but at this point they began to actually have a timeline. Instead of just creating imaginative characters, I was able to have them actually do things.
  • Middle and Late Childhood/Physical Development

    How often did you get physical exercise? What sort of activities did you do? How did you feel about physical activity? I was on the swim team which I loved. During the school year, I was in PE at school and we would play sports which I hated.
  • Middle and Late Childhood/Physical Development

    Did you use gross or fine motor skills for these activities? I used gross motor skills.
  • Middle and Late Childhood/Cognitive Development

    Describe an experience that made you aware of a certain concept of intelligence. I became very away of divergent thinking. I didn't know the term for it, but I understood that some people were better at doing work like math tests and I was better at creating stories
  • Adolescence/Physical Development

    Did you develop early or late compared to your peers and do you think that had an effect on you? I developed around the same time. I honestly didn't really pay that much attention.
  • Adolescence/Cognitive Development

    Tell a story from your life that demonstrates one concept of Piaget's stages of Cognitive Development. I continued writing stories, but now they began to have metaphors and more abstract meanings.
  • Adolescence/Physical Development

    How often did you get physical exercise? What kinds of activities did you do? What was your attitude towards exercise? I hated exercise so I honestly didn't do much of it during this period.
  • Adolescence/Physical Development

    Did these activities require gross or fine motor skills? they didn't really require either because I didn't do anything. However, I learned to knit which used fine motor skills
  • Adolescence/Emotional Development

    Adolescence/Emotional Development
    How would Sternberg have described your most important relationship in adolescence? My most important relationship was that with my grandmother. It had a high level of commitment and passion.
  • I came out

    I told my family that I was gay.
  • Early Adulthood/Emotional Development

    How often did you get physical exercise? What sort of activities do you do? What are your feelings towards exercise? I now like running and swimming. I regularly exercise by running outside.