Democracy Timeline

  • Jan 1, 700

    Greece 700-350 BCE

    The Ancient Greeks has their first democracy, Athenian leader Cleisthens introduced a new system of political reforms called “demokatia” meaning ruled by the people.
  • Apr 28, 1215

    Magna Carta

    King John was forced to sign the Magna Carta, the Magna Carta outlined many provisions where power of the monarchy could be restricted and the rights of the citizens where safeguarded.
  • American Revolution 1775-1781

    This created the first true democracy, and levelled out the power in the government and gave americans a choice to vote.
  • French Revolution

    The middle class of France rose to abolish their monarch King Louis XVI and the Queen Marie Antoinette, power fell to the military dictator Napoleon would used his new found power to take over all of Europe.
  • Communism

    Vadamir Lenin over throw the Russian Tzar, even though he followed Karl Marx teachings, he soon adapts. In the end the KGB and Stalin, Gulag kill between 20-30 million Russian people, Stalin later dooms everyone into the Cold War.
  • Rome 27 BCE

    The republic fell with the establishment of the Roman Empire. Rome declared a republic when the mainly noble people rebelled against king and had him sent away.
  • Fascism

    Benito Mussolini formed a fascist government in Italy, he tried using he used force to keep things in order with his new formed Black Shirts.
  • Germany Nazis

    When Hitler reached total power over Germany after WWII, he killed about 55 million people and removed 6 million of Jews from the Germany population and lastly killed 5 million “enemies of the state”.
  • United Nations

    The United Nations made something called the declaration of Human Rights, this stated that human beings had the right to live and work and feel safe against the government.