
Culmminating Exam

  • Jan 1, 1301

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    Rebirth of ancient greek and roman worlds. Period of European history that began in Italy and spread to the rest of Europe.
  • May 31, 1492

    Columbus' Voyage

    Columbus' Voyage
    Happened at the beginning of the age of exploration which started in the early 15th century and continued to the 17th century during which europeans explored Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Oceania
  • May 31, 1517

    The Reformation

    Initiated in response to the growing sense of corruption and administrated abuse in the church. Led ti creation of protestism.
  • Enlightment

    Cultural movement of intellectuals in the 17th and 18th centuries, which began in europe and later in American colonies.
  • Scientific Revolution

    Scientific Revolution
    Gave Europeans a new way to view Human kind's place in the universe.
  • Enclosure Acts

    Enclosure Acts
    series of united kingdom acts of parliament which enclosed open fields and command in the country
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    Transition to new manufactoring processses that occured in the period from about 1769 to sometime between 1820-1840
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Statement addopted by the continental congress on July 4, 1776 which announced the 13 American colonies regaurded themselves as independant states.
  • United States Consitituon

    United States Consitituon
    Supreme law of the USA adopted it on Sept. 1787 and went into effect on march 4, 1789
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    period of radical socoial and political uphealing france that had lasting impact on French history,
  • Storming Of the Bastille

    Storming Of the Bastille
    Paris crowd stormed and captured the bastille in Paris, France
  • Reign Of Terror

    Reign Of Terror
    Period of violence that occured after the onset of the French Revolution
  • Napoleonic Wars

    Napoleonic Wars
    series of wars declared against napoleons french empire by opposing coalations
  • Opium War

    Opium War
    Climax of disputes over trade and diplomatic relations between China and the British Empire
  • Treaty Of Nanjing

    Treaty Of Nanjing
    Signed on the 29th of August 1842 to mark the end of the first Opium War betten the UK, Ireland, and Quing Dynasty
  • Tai Ping Rebellion

    Tai Ping Rebellion
    Massive civil war that led southern china against the ruling manchu-led Qing Dynasty
  • Indian Revolt

    Indian Revolt
    Revolt of inidan tribes that led to the transfer of the administration of india from the East India Company to the british crown.
  • Berlin Confrence

    Berlin Confrence
    Regulated European colonization and trade in Africa during the new imperialim period
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    anti-foreign pronationalist movement by the rightous harmony society
  • Treaty Of Versailles

    Treaty Of Versailles
    Ended the state war between Germany and the allied powers