
Covid-19 and quarantine measures

  • Quarantine

    Be in quarantine because of covid-19, and being on quarantine will make that the pandemic reduce.
  • Wash your hands frequently

    Wash your hands frequently
    Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds without forgetting the wrist and vigorously carving the palms, the back and between the fingers. At the end, you must dry your hands with disposable paper.
  • When coughing or sneezing cover yourself.

    When coughing or sneezing cover yourself.
    When coughing or sneezing, completely cover the nose and mouth with a disposable tissue or the inner corner of the arm. This prevents secretions from targeting people around them.
  • Use of face masks

    Use of face masks
    In case of illness, the use of mouthguards is recommended, changing for a new one every three hours.
  • Do not touch your face, nose, mouth and eyes with dirty hands.

    Do not touch your face, nose, mouth and eyes with dirty hands.
    Do not touch your face, nose, mouth and eyes with dirty hands because that can cause the infection and you can have covid-19
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces

    Clean and disinfect surfaces
    Clean and disinfect surfaces and objects in common use at home, work and school such as desks, telephones, handrails, buttons, among others.
  • Prevent young children from sharing food and drinks.

    Prevent young children from sharing food and drinks.
    Prevent young children from sharing food and drinks because that can cause a contagion in the kids.
  • Monitor your health

    Monitor your health
    Watch for symptoms. Watch for fever, cough, shortness of breath, or other COVID-19 symptoms.