Courtney's Toddler Timeline

  • Baby is Born

    Baby is Born
  • 12-15 Months Physical

    12-15 Months Physical
    They may be able to stand alone without support for a short period of time. Some may even be able to walk a few steps on their own.
  • 12-15 Months Cognitive

    12-15 Months Cognitive
    Notices the actions of other children and adults. Likes to look at books and pats recognised pictures. Slowly increses vocabulary to four-six words.
  • 16-18 Months Cognitive

    16-18 Months Cognitive
    The toddler has a short attention span, but tries to imitate the way parents use objects. Vocabulary increases to 6-10 words.
  • 16-18 months Physical

    16-18 months Physical
    Unable to kick a ball, but is able to walk fast and run stiffly. Begins to scribble and build towers with 2 or 3 blocks.
  • 19-21 Months Physical

    19-21 Months Physical
    They can run without falling often, and also enjoy jumping and climbing.They can build towers of five or six blocks.
  • 19-21 Months Cognitive

    19-21 Months Cognitive
    Looks at books and studies pictures. Becomes interested in small things such as bugs. Vocabulary increases to about 20 words.
  • 22-24 Months Cognitive

    22-24 Months Cognitive
    They become more interested in the outcome of activities, and are curious about objects. Can follow simple directions and identify familiar objects on t.v. Vocabulary is at about 50 words during this period.
  • 22-24 Months Physical

    22-24 Months Physical
    Can walk with more coordination, though they lack the ability to start efficiently or stop quickly when running. Can hold a crayon properly and use scissors.
  • 24-30 Months Cognitive

    24-30 Months Cognitive
    Becomes interested in children's t.v. shows and enjoys listening to records of stories and songs. Enjoys playing house and imitating family situations. Vocabluary increases from about 200-500 words.
  • 24-30 Months Physical

    24-30 Months Physical
    plays on swings, ladders and other playground equipment. Baby fat begins to disappear. They can tear paper and manipulate clay easily.
  • 30-36 Months Cognitive

    30-36 Months Cognitive
    Can stack rings in the right order, and use symbolic representation in make-believe play. Their vocaabulary increases form about 500 to 900-1000 during this period.
  • 30-36 Months Physical

    30-36  Months Physical
    Toddlers love to be in constant motionand love running games. They can go up stairs by alternating feet, but they go downstairs one foot at a time. They can now eat with a fork.