Country Expert Report Portugal and Benin

By ColeJ
  • Jan 1, 1200

    Portugal Colonial experience

    Portugal Colonial experience
    Traces of human activity trace back in portugal over 200,000 years. Traders arrived in in the area in the 12th century in search of precious metals.
  • Benin Colonial Events

    Benin Colonial Events
    Benin was dominated by the dahomey in the 1600-1800's. The largest inhabitants were the adja people who moved east from togo.
  • Portugal Government

    Portugal Government
    Although it used to be a monarchy portugal is now a republic and has a parlimentary system of government
  • Benin Government

    Benin Government
    Benin is a republic which gained its freedom from france. The countries current president is a former banker named yayi boni
  • Portugal political issues

    Portugal political issues
    Portugal has ben an ally of the united states. The united states work together with Portugal and Portugal allows the united states to use a nearby air force base
  • Portugal terretorial disputes and problems

    Portugal terretorial disputes and problems
    Since the 1980s spain and portugal have shared the iberian peninsula, not allways agreeing on the border and rights to water and mineral usage.
  • Benin terretorial problems

    Benin terretorial problems
    Since early 2004 Benin and nigeria have had many problems involving smuggling and illegal activities on there borders. Some believe that certain land area that Benin claim really belong to nigeria
  • Benin conflicts

    Benin conflicts
    There has been a lot of political coruption in Benin in the past 5 years. Top government officials have embezzled money and often steal from the government
  • Portugal Border Background

    Portugal Border Background
    Since Portugal is on the border with spain on one side and has ocean on the other it does not really struggle with border violence or the problems accompanying major borders.
  • Benin Border Problems

    Benin Border Problems
    Smuggling and human trafficking is a major problem on the Benin border with nigeria. Gangs and citizens from each country are clashing resulting in border violence.