
Contemporany history

By Nagu_10
  • War of Spanish succession

    War of Spanish succession
    A war between the crown of Castile and Catalan-Aragonese crown
  • The independence of USA from England

    The independence of USA from England
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    Was a period of social and political upheaval in France and its colonies beginning in 1789 and ending in 1799.
  • War of independence in Spain

    War of independence in Spain
    Was the military conflict fought by Spain and Portugal, assisted by Great Britain, against the invading and occupying forces of the First French Empire for control of the Iberian Peninsula during the Napoleonic Wars 1808-1814
  • The defeat of Waterloo and the ends of Napoleon's military power

    The defeat of Waterloo and the ends of Napoleon's military power
  • First steam locomotive in the Iberian Peninsula

    First steam locomotive in the Iberian Peninsula
  • The eiffel tower

    The eiffel tower
    A sample of the iron architecture of the s. XIX.
  • Cubism

    Picasso begins a new pictorial style
  • First world war

    First world war
    Ends with more than 12 million dead. 1914-1918
  • The Russian revolution

    The Russian revolution
    establishes a socialist regime (USSR)
  • Gandhi organizes the first civil disobedience campaign

    Gandhi organizes the first civil disobedience campaign
  • The nazism

    The nazism
    Nazims begins in germany
  • Civil war in Spain

    Civil war in Spain
    The begins of the first civil war in Spain 1936-1939
  • Wordl war II

    Wordl war II
  • Military dicatorship in Spain

    Military dicatorship in Spain
    The dictator Franco begins a dictatorship 1939-1975
  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs

    Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs
  • Republic of China

    Republic of China
  • Cuban revolution

    Cuban revolution
    Fidel Castro triumph in the cuban revoluton
  • Fall of berlin wall

    Fall of berlin wall
  • Attack to twin towers

    Attack to twin towers
  • The day I was born

    The day I was born
    In this picture I have 3 months of life and was one of the firsts times that my brother grabbed me in his arms
  • Football

    In 2009 it was the first day I played football
  • Italy (Venice)

    Italy (Venice)
    It was my first time out of Spain
  • Civil war in Syria

    Civil war in Syria
    In the 2011 begins the civil war in Syria
  • My paternal uncle

    My paternal uncle
    It was the first time I saw my paternal uncle
  • My first time in Uruguay

    My first time in Uruguay
    My first time with my paternal grandfathers in my life.
  • My great grandmother

    My great grandmother
    The first time than I see my freat grandmother was very special for me
  • Refuge crisis in Europe

    Refuge crisis in Europe
  • Covid-19

    World Pandemic Coronavirus