Conflict in Israel

  • Israel was established

    Israel was established in 1948, most Middle Eastern countried refused to to recognize its right to exist. Other countries had attacked Israel and funded militant groups that conduct raids and terrorist attacks againsts Israelis.
  • Period: to

    War Errupted

  • Palestine Liberation Organization

    The Palestine Liberation Organization was formed with a pledge to destroy Israel and replace it with a Palestine State.
  • Yasser Arafat became leader

    After Yasser Arafat became leader in 1969, the PLO launched a campaign of guerrilla attacks against Israel, First from Jordan and later from Lebanon. To stop the PLO attacks, Israel Invaded Lebanon in 1978 and again in 1982.
  • Peace signing

    Egypt and Israel signed a peace agreement, but unrest amoung Palestinian Arabs in Israel remained a major problem
  • Yasser Araft dies

    In 2004 Yasser Araft died and was succeded Mahmoud Abbas, that same year, Israels prime minister Ariel Sharon decided that Israel would withdraw from Gaza and parts of the West Bank.