
Conflict in Israel

  • Conflict in Israel

    Conflict in Israel
    1948 (Arab/Israel) conflict began.
    Israel was established in 1948. This caused many middle eastern countries to refuse them. Countries attacked them but the Iraelis won.
  • Conflict in Israel

    Conflict in Israel
    1967 six day war. Israel took control of the Golan Heights, Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, West Bank, and East Jerusalem
  • Conflict in Israel

    Conflict in Israel
    1973 Yon Kippur War. Egypt wanted to win their territory back and suprise attack Israel.
  • Conflict in Israel

    Conflict in Israel
    1977 (Egypt/Israeli) peace agreement signing. Signed this teaty for Israel to be an Independent country.
  • Conflict in Israel

    Conflict in Israel
    1978 Camp David Accords. Sadat and Begin reached an agreement known as Camp David Accords. The treaty ended 30 years of hostility between Egypt and Israel.