Conflict in Eastern Europe

By aankney
  • 500

    Slavic people arrive

    migrated from Poland and Russia to settle- called South Slavs. Each formed their own kingdom
  • Nov 16, 1389

    Ottoman Empire invades

    Ottoman Empire invades
    Ottomans defeated the Serbian Empire at the Battle of Kosovo Polje-also rule Bosnia and Herzegovina Austria controls Slovenia
    Hungary controls Croatia
  • Serbia breaks free of Ottomans

    Many want all South Slavs to be free of foreign rule and unite into one nation. Helps lead to World War I.
  • Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes is formed

  • Yugoslavia formed

    Yugoslavia formed
    Renamed the kingdom- means " Land of the South Slavs"
  • Axis Powers invade Yugoslavia

    Axis Powers invade Yugoslavia
    Croats cooperate with the Nazis, their leader orders the massacre of Jews and Serbs. Many others join the Chetniks or Partisans to fight the Nazis- one of which is Josep Broz Tito
  • Josep Tito leads Yugoslavia

    Josep Tito leads Yugoslavia
    After World War II, Tito becomes dictator of Yugoslavia- encourages thinking of Yugoslavs, not ethnic groups
  • Yugoslavia organization

    Becomes 6 republics and 2 self-governing provinces
  • Croatia and Slovenia declare independence

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina declare independence

    Bosnia and Herzegovina declare independence
    Bosnia Muslim and Croats back the move- Serbs launch a war
    Miloshevic (now President of Yugoslavia) calls for ethnic cleansing. 200,000 die. 2 million flee homes
  • United Nations arrange cease fire

    Yugoslav army is invades the republics- Slovenes have quick independence. war breaks out in Croatia
  • United States sponsor peace negotiations

    Peace treaty signed- Bosnia remained independent
  • NATO starts bombing Serbia to stop violence in Kosovo

    NATO starts bombing Serbia to stop violence in Kosovo
    During 1990's, uunder Miloshivec, Serbians wanted to assert control over Kosovo and wipe out the Albanian culture Kosovo LiberationArmy (KLA) fights against Serbians Serbs bomb and start ethnic cleansing of region
  • Miloshevic on trial

    Miloshevic on trial
    Accused of war crimes and genocide by the United Nations