
Computer History Museum

  • Computers

    Hewlett-Packard is Founded.
  • Computers

    The Complex Number Calculator (CNC) is completed.
  • Computers

    Konrad Zuse finishes the Z3 computer.
  • Computers

    The Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC) is completed.
  • Computers

    Project Whirlwind begins.
  • Computers

    Harvard Mark-1 is completed.
  • Computers

    John von Neumann wrote "First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC" in which he outlined the architecture of a stored-program computer.
  • Computers

    In February, the public got its first glimpse of the ENIAC, a machine built by John Mauchly and J.
  • Components and Companies

    The Williams tube won the race for a practical random-access memory.On December 23, William Shockley, Walter Brattain, and John Bardeen successfully tested this point-contact transistor, setting off the semiconductor revolution.
  • Computers and Robots & Artificial Intelligence

    IBM´s Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator computed scientific data in public display near the company´s Manhattan headquarters. Norbert Wiener published "Cybernetics," a major influence on later research into artificial intelligence.
  • Computers and People & Pop Culture

    Norbert Wiener published "Cybernetics," a major influence on later research into artificial intelligence.The Manchester Mark I computer functioned as a complete system using the Williams tube for memory.Thomas Watson Jr., speaking to an IBM sales meeting, predicted all moving parts in machines would be replaced by electronics within a decade.