
  • Seven years war

    Seven years war
    Gave britian the abilty to gain much more land from the spanish and end up gaining a lot of land previously owned by the spanish
  • Declaration of independence

    Declaration of independence
    The Decleration was a reaction to the want of freedom and to rebuild a government unlike great britain. This took place becuase of the colonizing tazes that the british put on the colonies
  • Colonization of Australia

    Colonization of Australia
    This solved the problem of over crowded prisons in Europe and also the colonization of austrialia gave a better foot hold against the french.
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    Uprising in serbia

    Where for 9 years in wars, this would be the first time serbia could stand alone and become a stable state.
  • Britian creates cape colony

    Britian creates cape colony
    Colonized southern tip of africa to gain of what little hopes of the indian trade network
  • Major Industrial Revolution

    Major Industrial Revolution
    This is when the industrial revolution came into full swing and started to change the image of europe, from being a pesant state to modernized britian.
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    Mexican War of independence

    this was a war with the mexicans agianst the spanish. People in mexico sought independence from spain because they were still a colony under the rule of Spain
  • British abolish slavery in the west indies

    British abolish slavery in the west indies
    The Emancipation of the British West Indies is the name given to the abolition of slavery in the British colonies of the West Indies. Emancipation of the slaves was proposed as early as 1787, but was not achieved until the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833 (effective 1834)
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    First opuim War

    First Opium War from 1839 to 1842 and the Second Opium War from 1856 to 1860. These were the climax of disputes over trade and diplomatic relations between China under the Qing Dynasty and the British Empire
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    Crimean War

    conflict in which Russia lost to an alliance of France, Britain, the Ottoman Empire, and Sardinia. While neutral, Austria played a role in stopping the Russians
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    Second Opuim war

    Chinese have tried to keep out as many foreign merchants as possible and do not follow the rules and guidelines of the treaty of naking and end up in the second opuim war
  • Uprising in india

    Uprising in india
    When the british try to take full control of eastern india to tax the crap out of the people because the indian economy was booming, the indians revolt and push the british back out.
  • French intervention in Mexico ordered by Napoleon III

    French intervention in Mexico ordered by Napoleon III
    invasion of mexico by the second french empire. The french got intrest payments from them which angered mexicos creditors spain France and Britian
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    Conquest of the Desert in Argentina, led by Julio Argentino Roca

    military campaign with intentions on to establish Argentine dominance ofr Patagonia. Under General Roca, the so-called Conquest of the Desert extended Argentine power into Patagonia and ended the possibility of Chilean expansion there
  • Franco-Prussian War

     Franco-Prussian War
    French empire agianst kindom of prussia and their allies. The conflict emerged from tensions regarding the German unification
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    War between Russia and the Ottoman Empire

    Russian hopes of recovering territorial losses suffered during the Crimean War, re-establishing itself in the Black Sea and supporting the political movement attempting to free Balkan nations from the Ottoman Empire.
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    Second Anglo-Afghan War

    fought between the United Kingdom and the Emirate of Afghanistan. Second time British india invaded Afghanistan.British emerged victorious against the Afghan rebels and the Afghans agreed to let the British attaining all the their geopolitical objectives from the Treaty of Gandamak
  • Treaty of San Stefano

    Treaty of San Stefano
    This was a treaty signed in the result of the end of the Russo-Turkish War.The treaty provided for the creation of an autonomous Principality of Bulgaria after almost 500 years of Ottoman domination
  • Treaty of Berlin

    Treaty of Berlin
    Final act of congress of berlin. The most important task of the Congress was to decide the fate of the Principality of Bulgaria established in the Treaty of San Stefano, even though Bulgaria itself was excluded from participation in the talks at Russian insistence
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    First Italo–Ethiopian War

    fought between Italy and Ethiopia. Ethiopia was supported primarily by Russia, that provided weapons, military officers, and medical supplies