
(CMH) Angel by James Patterson- fiction- 291 pages

By chey.98
  • November 1, 2012; 22 pages

    November 1, 2012; 22 pages
    Max is a bird-humanhybrid who has fled the confinds of a science test tube and re-united with her mother; taking her "flock" with her. Her lost lover Fang has gone of on his own. She has found herself falling for Dylan, another bird hybrid, who was created just for her. The other memebers of her pack are: Gazzy, Angel, Iggy, and Nudge. There are also two scienctists ( Jeb and Dr. Hans) who are responsible for Fnag's near death expirience and the flock's traumatic upbringing. Pages 1-22(total)971
  • Novemeber 6, 2012; 39 pages

    Novemeber 6, 2012; 39 pages
    Fang is forming his own group with Kate and Ratchet along with another feww future candidates. On the way to meet Gen 77 Jeb's plane crashed in a booby trapped area. Everyone survived but Hans is MIA. So Max and Dylan went to find him while the others went to Max's mother's vet clinic to be healed. pages 22-63 (total) 1,010
  • November 8, 2012; 54 pages

    November 8, 2012; 54 pages
    Fang's group is complete but Max's clone is with him. This is going to be a huge distraction for him. Max and Dylan went to the Gen 77 school and the children there had a ring of eyes around their heads. They'd also been brainwashed and spoke of a future without humans and past expiremental children. This idea is being forced onto people's minds through the work of the Doomsday group. Pages 63-117 (total) 1,064
  • 15 November 2012; 36 pages

    Max found out about fang and Max II. Also, Gazzy and Iggy became brainwashed. So, the group went with them to a doomsday rally and in all the chaos they lost Gazyy. But when they returned home they threw Iggy in the shower and he was no longer brainwashed. Max's mom and the doctor have gone missing. pages 117-153 (total) 1,100
  • 22 Novemeber 2012; pages 138

    The rush to stop the doomsday group has reached a new high. The flock had to defend the city from bombs set in place. Gazzy did his best to defuse as many bombs as he could. Angel went into the sewers to try nd help but the blast went off faster than anticipated. Now, Angel is suspected dead but I think she's just missing. Her last words sting in the Max's mind. pages 153-291 (total) 1,238