Classical Period

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    Achaemenid Dynasty

    558-330 BCE in Persia
    558-330 BCE Cyrus reigned, was a tough leader and an amazing miliary stratigist, conquering many territories.
    521-486 BCE Darius reigned, he extended the empire further both east and west.
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    Seleucid Dynasty

    323-83 BCE in Persia
    Seleucid was the ruler. There was an Achaemenid system of administration and taxation as well as imperial roads and postal service.
  • Period: 100 to 500

    Classical Period

    500 BCE to 500 CE
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    Qin Dynasty

    221-207 BCE in East Aisa
    Shang Yang encouraged peasant cultivators to migrate to the sparsley populated state. He gave them private plots and boosted agricultural production.
    This fits into WHAP theme 4: Creation, Expansion, and Interaction of Economic Systems because it was a change in agricultural producation that effected the economy of China.
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    Han Dynasty

    206 BCE-220 CE in East Asia
    206 BCE-9 CE Former Han Dynasty, emperors ruled from Chang'an, a cosmopolitan city near modern Xi'an that became the cultural capital of China.
    25-220 CE Later Han Dynasty, emperors moved their capital east of Luoyang.
    Divided into two parts by historians.
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    Mauryan Dynasty

    321-185 BCE in South Asia
    Founded by Chandragupta Maurya. There was a political handbook known as the Arthashastra that outlined methods of administering the empire, overseeing trade and agriculture, collecting taxes, maintaining order, conducting foreign relations, and waging war.
    This is a CCOT because government documents started in the Classic Period but continue today. An example is the Constitution. The change is many of the rules written in the documents.
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    Gupta Dynasty

    320-550 CE in South Asia
    Founder was Chandra Gupta.
    335-375 CE Samudra Gupta reigned
    375-415 CE Chandra Guta II reigned.
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    Teotihuacan Society

    200 BCE-750 CE in Mesoamerica
    Pyramids of the Sun and Moon were built. They played the ball game, used calendar, had system of writing, and made human sacrafices.
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    Maya Society

    300-1100 CE in Mesoamerica
    Written language, calendars, the concept of 0, and astronomical knowledge
    bloodletting, believed creation story in which people were made from maize
    WHAP theme 2: Development and Interaction of Cultures because of the progress made in science and technology and the interesting religious beliefs.