

  • Jan 1, 1200


    Phoenicia was an ancient Semitic Canaanite civilization situated on the western, coastal part of the Fertile Crescent and centered in Lebanon. The major Phoenician cities were on the coastline of the Mediterranean. It was an enterprising maritime trading culture that spread across the Mediterranean from 1550 BC to 300 BC. The Phoenicians used the galley, a man-powered sailing vessel, and are credited with the invention of the
  • Jan 1, 1200


    The Phoenicians were among the greatest traders of their time and owed much of their prosperity to trade. At first, they traded mainly with the Greeks, trading wood, slaves, glass and powdered Tyrian purple. Tyrian purple was a violet-purple dye used by the Greek elite to color garments. In fact, the word Phoenician derives from the ancient Greek word phoínios meaning "purple". As trading and colonizing spread over the Mediterranean, Phoenicians and Greeks seemed to have unconsciously split that
  • Jan 1, 1210


    The Phoenician alphabet was one of the first alphabets with a strict and consistent form. It is assumed that it adopted its simplified linear characters from an as-yet unattested early pictorial Semetic script of Mesopotamian origin called Ugaritic. The development of the Phoenician alphabet from the Proto-Canaanite coincided with the rise of the Iron Age in the 11th century BC.itic alphabet developed some centuries earlier in the southern Levant.[33][34] The precursor to the Phoenician alphabet
  • Feb 1, 1250


    Phoenician art lacks unique characteristics that might distinguish it from its contemporaries. This is due to its being highly influenced by foreign artistic cultures: primarily Egypt, Greece and Assyria. Phoenicians who were taught on the banks of the Nile and the Euphrates gained a wide artistic experience and finally came to create their own art, which was an amalgam of foreign models and perspectives.

    In 853 a. C. Shalmaneser III of Assyria and later Sargon II in 722. C. conquered the ten northern tribes of Israel destroyed its capital, Samaria, and sending people into exile and captivity. Most people, including the ruling class, was deported to other lands occupied by the Assyrian empire and brought people from those places to Samaria. Thus, scattered among other nations, assimilated into new cultures, came to lose their original identity. Never again, as a people, to the land of Israel, the

    The Israelites were a Semitic Hebrew-speaking people of the Ancient Near East, who inhabited part of the Land of Canaan during the tribal and monarchic periods (15th to 6th centuries BCE), later evolving into Jews and Samaritans of the classic period, inhabiting Judea and Samaria respectively. In Modern Hebrew usage, an Israelite is, broadly speaking, a lay member of the Jewish ethnoreligious community, as op

    The Genesis traces the beginning of Israel to three patriarchs, Abraham , Isaac and Jacob , the last also known as Israel and which later derived the name from the earth. Jacob, called a "wandering Aramaean" ( Deuteronomy 26:5), he returned to Haran , the home of their ancestors, for wife. During his return from Haran to Canaan crossed the Jabbok, a tributary of the Jordan River East ( Genesis 32:22-33). Sending his family and servants away that night fought in a place called Peniel onwards, wit

    There is a problem on the divided monarchy, and is the Bible of the seventies , the Masoretes texts and of Josephus mentioned different figures. Another problem is unknown if the two realms used the same calendar as well as if the years of the reigns are full or in part, and is ignored if there corregencias. What is clear, is transmitted by the prophets, both kingdoms Israel and Judah only pursue profits (Is 9:18-21). Those who were corrupt practices in neighboring villages (ambition, envy, oppr
  • The Paleolithic era

    Remains of humanoid beings indicate that India was settled in a period ranging between 200,000 and 600,000 years. It is estimated that the first human inhabitants settled in the continent 12,000 years ago. The earliest settlements date from the seventh confirmed millennium. C. and currently known as rock shelters of Bhimbetka, in present state of Madhya Pradesh.

    Ancient Mesopotamia is the territory covered in the watershed of the Tigris and Euphrates from prehistoric times to the fall of the last empire-Mesopotamian Chaldean or Neo-Babylonian Empire.
    What dies with the fall of Babylon is not the Mesopotamian civilization, but the independent Mesopotamia, but the Mesopotamian civilization, but not disappear quickly, will only survive.
    During this stage, Mesopotamia remained certain common characteristics that allow defining it as a historical unity. S

    The economy of Mesopotamia
    Agriculture was the mainstay of the economy of Mesopotamia and was only possible with the help of irrigation. The Sumerians, to settle in the region, built a network of channels so perfectly that still serve as a model for Iraq's agricultural authorities. These channels increased acreage and enabled the development of civilization. The inhabitants of the cities that emerged cared vied channels and river water, vital to its economy. The most important crop product
  • The Neolithic

    The Neolithic culture of South Asia began approximately at the VII millennium. C. in what is now Balochistan (Pakistan) and is known as Mehrgarh culture. This was mainly pastoral community, living in mud houses, wove baskets and tended their herds of goats and their crops. Around 1550 a. C. appeared making pots and other implements. This culture disappeared in recent centuries. C.
  • The Vedic era

    The Vedic civilization is an Indo-Aryan culture described in texts composed in Vedic Sanskrit (a language related to Indo-European family). The origin of this culture is not well known, but it is known originally a pastoral society that subsequently became, in an agricultural society composed of four varnas (castes).

    The history of India in the preceding period to 1945 is inseparable from the history of the subcontinent that owns this nation.
    Cave painting in Bhimbetka.
    Neolithic civilization of the third millennium. C. lay in what is now Pakistan and northwest of the Republic of India. The Vedic civilization spread throughout the first millennium. C. especially in the north of India, the Punjab and the Gangetic plain.

    En general en Mesopotamia Antigua la religión o religiones que se sucedieron a lo largo de los siglos eran politeístas. Cada ciudad adoraba a sus propios dioses que podían estar asociados a las fuerzas de la naturaleza o a los oficios. Podemos destacar como ejemplo al dios Marduck, que fue el principal dios de la Babilonia de Hammurabi.
    La concepción de la vida era completamente religiosa. Los dioses con frecuencia estaban relacionados con los elementos de la naturaleza. Todo dependía de los d

    It is the people of the Sumerians who were credited with the creation of writing, cuneiform around 3100 BC, being at first pictographic writing type in their drawings tended to abstraction of meaning, then realizing the difficulty of drawing the concepts they wanted to represent, led the pictogram to ideogram representing a clearly what is meant, for example, a picture of a foot may symbolize coming or going.

    Egypt i/ˈiːdʒɪpt/ (Arabic: مصر‎ Miṣr, Egyptian Arabic: [mɑsˤɾ], Literary Arabic: [mesˤr]; Coptic: Ⲭⲏⲙⲓ Kīmi ; Sahidic Coptic: ⲕⲏⲙⲉ Kēme), officially the Arab Republic of Egypt, Arabic: جمهورية مصر العربية (help·info), is a country mainly in North Africa, with the Sinai Peninsula forming a land bridge in Southwest Asia. Egypt is thus a transcontinental country, and a major power in the Mediterranean Basin, the Middle East and the Muslim world. Covering an area of about 1,010,000 square kilometer

    Obtaining a precise chronology of Ancient Egypt is a complex task. There are several criteria for dating among Egyptologists, with differences of a few years in the past periods of decades at the beginning of the New Kingdom and nearly a century during the Old Kingdom (see Chronology of Ancient Egypt).

    Start with Saite Dynasty, with two periods of Persian domination and contemporary dynasties of several independent Egyptian rulers. Egypt finally became a satrapy. They XXVI to XXXI dynasties.

    The trade of the ancient Egyptians were not limited to the exchange of agricultural products or commodities, but also no record of expeditions to nurture ornamental goods and jewelry the royal treasure of the Pharaohs, and sales activities of slaves, and even own administrative or service charges in temples.

    The history of China, as one of the chronology of the world's oldest civilizations continuously until today, has its origins in the Yellow River Basin, home of the first dynasties Xia and Shang.

    The king of the Qin dynasty and founds a new taketh 皇帝 renamed (Huangdi), religious connotations, which we translate into Spanish for "Emperor". At this historic moment, all later Chinese rulers used this title, leaving the name of "kings" (王 Wang).

    Liu Bang established a new dynasty, the Han dynasty China prospered rapidly, agriculture, industry and commerce flourished.

    El territorio que actualmente ocupa la República Popular China ha estado poblado desde hace miles de años. Se han encontrado restos de homínidos, que constituyen los antepasados más remotos del hombre. Así lo demuestran los restos hallados pertenecientes al hombre de Renzidong; el hombre de Yuanmou; el hombre de Nihewan; el hombre de Lantian; el hombre de Nankín o el hombre de Pekín. Posteriormente surgirían otras culturas, como el hombre de Dali; el hombre de Maba; el hombre de Fujian o el homb