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Chippewa-Cree indians Time line

  • Rocky Boy's Reservation

    Rocky Boy's Reservation
    assigned to Rocky Boy's Reservation in Montana with the Plains Cree
  • Period: to

    Chippewa-Cree Indians Timeline

    what happened throughout their time.
  • Reorganization Act

    Reorganization Act
    organized under the Indian Reorganization Act
  • primary source guide

    primary source guide
    The Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946, the most comprehensive congressional reform in history, modernized Congress and expanded its administrative capabilities. The Democratic leadership in Congress, represented by Senate Majority Leader Alben W. Barkley and House Speaker Sam Rayburn, hoped that congressional reform would be politically popular. John Q. Public’s reply, however, suggested that many voters had a different opinion. In the November elections, the Democrats lost control of both
  • United States terminated

    United States terminated
    United States terminated its relationship with the sovereign nation of Chippewa, mandated by House Concurrent Resolution 108.
  • The American Indian Movement.

    The American Indian Movement.
    the American Indian Movement (AIM) was founded by three Ojibwa (Chippewa): Dennis Banks, George Mitchell, and Clyde Bellecourt
  • Constitution and By- Laws

    Constitution and By- Laws
    Constitution and By-Laws of the tribe was amended.