China's Dynasty

  • 221

    Qin Dynasty

    Qin Dynasty
    Zhou's time period was 221 BC. Zhou’s emperor was emperor Shi Huangdi. They built the great wall of China. The Zhou Dynasty were builders they built stuff. They were rulers.
    Citation: pdell . "China-Great-Wall5.JPG." Online Image. morguefile. No date. 02/22/12
  • 300

    Tang Dynasty

    Tang Dynasty
    The Tang lasted for 300 Years.
  • 400

    Han Dynasty

    Han Dynasty
    The Han Dynasty lasted for more than 400 years. Han’s emperor was Liu Bang. Liu wanted better for the Dynasty so he lowered taxes for farmer and made punishments less severe. Liu also changed the way government structure that built on the foundation begun by the Qin. When Qin dynasty collapsed many groups who fought for power.
    Citation: priyanphoenix . "Acupuncture Teaching Aid.jpg." Online Image. morgueFile. No date. 02/22/12
  • Jan 1, 1100

    Zhou Dyansty

    Zhou Dyansty
    Zhou’s emperor was unknown. They made the mandate of heaven and created the new political system. The Zhou were rulers. The mandate of heaven was the idea that heaven chose China's ruler and gave him or her power.
    Citation: DeSandies, ManYee. "fms01.jpg." Online Image. Pics4Learning. 2002. 02/23/12
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Shang Dynasty

    Shang Dynasty
    Shang’s emperor ruled in China until the 1100’s BC. Artisans made beautiful bronze containers for cooking and religious ceremonies. Soldiers developed war chariots, powerful bows, and bronze armor. The Shnags were creators they create stuff
    Citaion: Dr Marianne, Handler. "notemissingheads.jpg." Online Image. Pics4Learning. 2004. 2/21/2012
  • Sui Dynasty

    Sui Dynasty
    The Sui lasted from 589 to 618. The ruler for the Sui Dynasty was Yang Jian who conquered the south, unified China, and created the Sui Dynasty. Before that after all centuries of political confusion and cultural change, China was reunified. They used the Grand Canal, a canal linking northern and southern China.
    Citation: Enright, John. "drygardenkyoto.jpg." Online Image. Pics4Learning. 2010. 02/22/12