
Chile's History

  • Jan 1, 1536

    Diego de Almagro Discovers Chile

    Diego de Almagro Discovers Chile
    In 1536, Diego de Almago sailed to South America and traveled over the Andes Mountains and discovered Santiago Chile, which was eventually made into the capital of Chile years later.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1536 to

    Chile's History

  • Jan 30, 1541

    Pedro de Valdivia discovers Santiago

    Pedro de Valdivia discovers Santiago
    Pedro de Valdivia travels across the world and discovers and then later founds Santiago, Chile.
  • Jan 30, 1578

    Francis Drake attacks Chile's coastline

    Francis Drake attacks Chile's coastline
    In 1578, Drake attacked the coastline of Chile and cities near the coast fell victim to the attack and sent Chile in a state of panic.
  • Earthquake strikes Chile

    Earthquake strikes Chile
    Concepcion, an earthquake strikes Chile and affects all of Concepcion and Talca.
  • Spain and Chile resolve their conflicts

    Spain and Chile resolve their conflicts
    Commerce between Spain and Chile is allowed.
  • Chilean Constitution

    Chilean Constitution
    The Chilean Constitution comes into effect.
  • Vatican acknowledges Chile's Independence

    Vatican acknowledges Chile's Independence
    The Vatican City acknowledges the independence of Chile.
  • Chile's Revolution

    Chile's Revolution
    Chilean Revolution of 1859. Pedro León Gallo, radical revolutionary of Copiapó, and others are defeated by the government forces. However, as a consequence, Antonio Varas renounces to his candidature.
  • Chile is at war

    Chile is at war
    Chile, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia are at war with Spain.
  • Chilean Civil War

    Chilean Civil War
    1891 Chilean Civil War. The constitutional president José Manuel Balmaceda is overthrown by troops favorable to the National Congress. The beginning of "Parliamentarism".
  • Chile has an economic crash

    Chile has an economic crash
    An Economic crash strikes Chile, and hurts a lot of people with the amount of money lost.
  • Record Earthquake hits Chile

    Record Earthquake hits Chile
    In 1960, the Great Chilean Earthquake hit Chile and was recorded as 9.5 in magnitude.
  • New President

    New President
    Sebastian Pinera is elected president of Chile in 2010.