checkpoint 2

  • Capital moved to Louisville

    Capital moved to Louisville
    The first place that the capital was at Savannah then during the revolution is was at Augusta then finally after the British is was finally moved to Louisville but people were still not happy with decision they had it moved again trying to built a new city then finally it was moved to Atlanta
  • University of Georgia founded

    University of Georgia founded
    it was the first state that was started and created by the state government and it is one of the oldest and biggest in the state it is located in Clarke county no far away from Atlanta this university makes more than 2.1 billion dollars in income from students and many more incomes
  • Eli Whitney and the Cotton Gin

    Eli Whitney and the Cotton Gin
    Eli invented the a machine that was faster to pick up seeds and do the production more faster and quicker this machine was masking things more success in cotton even through he did not make a lot of money did sell them to a lot of the southern people that they work more easy
  • Yazoo land Fraud

    Yazoo land Fraud
    The Yazoo land fraud stated when the legislators where bribed to sell there land to the state as we know Mississippi there was a conflict between Georgia and the the land companies until 1800 when finally this argument was settled in by the supreme court when the bill became a law when the law said it was unconstitutional
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    it was the slavery across the country they created a imaginary line through the Louisiana territory between free slaves and slave ones it was established by the U.S congress and other countries through the united states
  • Dahlonega Gold

    Dahlonega Gold
    They discovered gold in Georgia and then it was spreading to North Caroline But it was rare to find the gold but many mines were moving to place to place when they thought were the gold might be at but it was hard to find also many Europeans were coming trying to find the gold but many people find the gold when started to tell them
  • Worcester v. Georgia

    Worcester v. Georgia
    It was a non native american being on a native american property without licences it was taken in the supreme court and was ruled by the judges that it was unconstitutional by the state meaning that the tribes were held under the government and by the united states also John Marshall was in the supreme court as the opinion on how it was taken
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    Trail of tears

    The Cherokee nation had no choice and to give up there land and leave by force and to give up there land and to walk and move for many days many Cherokee's were starving had diseases that ii why it is called the trail of tears over 4,000 Cherokee died on the trial and did not make it
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    It was bills that were passed by the U.S congress of slaves and free slaves during the Mexican-American war the and after it meaning if the slaves should be free and live on their own territories in the north or in the south during this time
  • Georgia Platform

    Georgia Platform
    the slavery issues by the compromise by the Compromise in 1850 stating that was declaring that no more southern assaults by anyone
  • Dred Scott Case

    Dred Scott Case
    this is when all slaves but could never become a United citizen Dred Scott was a man that moved to lived in Illinois in a free state before going back to Missouri and have his freedom and was judge by the supreme court
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    is were Abraham won the election from John C. Brekinridge this election was when the split Northern and Southern democrat and and over slavery
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    Union Blockcade of Georgia

    i was a strategy to start trading it started by Abraham through many and it was to maintain the it was through Savannah and through the coastal during the civil war
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    it was the caused by the General Robert E. Lee who wanted to hold the victory of the other battle of Manassas over 23,000 people dead in one day it ended less than a day and the Confederate invasion resulted in victory
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    it legal that all slaves were free 500,000 were free and no longer slaves that were also in the territory of the rebellion against the federal government
  • battle of Gettysburg

    battle  of Gettysburg
    it was the war of the victory of the union forces of the Chancellosville it lasted over three days General lee retreated back to Virginia he had a stunning defeat to the army of the Potomac of Chancellsiville
  • Battle of Chickamauga

    Battle of Chickamauga
    The union troops were taken place by the authority by the general S. Grant and 16,000 were injured or dead this was it was the second bloodiest battle ever
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    Sherman's Atlanta Campaign

    it was many battles that was fighting near the western in the summer Sherman was when he came to Georgia through the Chattanooga and through Tennessee and the Confederate side by the General Joseph E. Johnson
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    Sherman's March to the Sea

    this man took 60,000 to Atlanta to Savannah this was his idea to make people scared and him and his soldiers burned down barn stole their foo away and livestock this way people would not help the other group this was making it different
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Kansas Nebraska Act
    It was passed by the U.S congress this act was on the if the people on the territories on if people wanted to be free and not be a slave not many people were happy about the choice there was anti-slavery and pro-slavery and many anti- slavery people wanted a re election on the but many did not want to vote for it