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Georgia History Timeline Project

  • Jan 1, 1000


    Paleo Indians Moved From Place To Place, They Are Nomadic. They Moved To Follow Their Food.They Never Had a Permanent Place. They Used A Large Spearhead Called The Clovis Point To Kill The Animals With. They Were Hunters And Gatheres , They Hunted Large Game Animals Like Bisons Mammoths S.Toothed Tigers And Ground Sloths. We Only Have Little Evidence Of TradeAnd Not Any Evidence Of Religion.
  • Jan 1, 1000

    Woodland Indians

    Woodland Indians
    Woodland Indians Lived In Areas For Long Periods Of Time. There Were Longer Nomadic Indians. They Began To be More Social. They Began To Form Tribes And Villages. They Used More Advanded Pottery And Bow & Arrow. They Still Used Small Game Hunting Like Deer Rabbit And Turkey. They Exprimented Farming Squash Sunflowers Gourds Beans And Maize. They Started To Trade With Other Groups And Began To Become Religous By Making Burial Mounds For The Dead.
  • Jan 1, 1000


    Archaic Indians Migraye Every Seaon. They Return To The Same Spot Each Season Dwellings In Pit Houses And Caves. They Had Small And Thin Spearheads But More Pointed. They Hunt Smaller Game Animals Like Deer Turkey Bear Fish Oysters Shellfish Nuts And Berries. Large Game Animals Are Now Extinct. No Evidence Of Trade Or Religion.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1000 to


    they were the first to have a true civilization. they formed a government (chiefdom). they had social ranking. they had the most advanced pottery. they shifted to more complexrocks to types of early metal (copper). first group to live off of agriculture (corn,beans and squash). extense trade network. they had temple mounds. most religious.
  • Nov 1, 1540

    Hernando De Soto

    Hernando De Soto
    Hernando de Soto was a Spanish explorer and conquistador who led the first European expedition deep into the territory of the modern-day United States, and the first documented European to have crossed the Mississippi River
  • Charter Of 1732

    Charter Of 1732
    Georgia's Charter of 1732 was a document granted to 20 trustees for the foundation of what became England's last colony in America, the colony of Georgia named after George, the king who issued the charter.
  • Georgia Founded

    Georgia Founded
    Georgia is a state located in the southeastern United States. It was established in 1732, the last of the original Thirteen Colonies.Named after King George II of Great Britain,Georgia was the fourth state to ratify the United States Constitution, on January 2, 1788.
  • Salzburgers Arrive

    Salzburgers Arrive
    The Salzburgers arrived in georgia March 12, 1734. King George invited the Salzburgers to Georgia to escape the catholics.They settled and named the town Ebenezer. The salzburgers moved because of poor soil, flooding, and illnesses. New Ebenezer was successful in developing lumber and cattle farming.
  • Highland Scots Arrive

    Highland Scots Arrive
    Highland scots arrived in Georgia January 10th, 1736 from scotland. They are strong fearless warriors who loved fighting, They were not afraid of the spanish. Ogelethrope recruited them for the purpose of defending the colony. They settled on the Altamaha river and formed a city which they called Darien.
  • Period: to

    John Reynlods

    Reynolds was georgias first royal governor. According to ebels article, johm reynolds was a captain in the bristish royal navy. he and legislature had a major disagreement. reynolds sent legislature home. reynolds started running things on his own georgia was not growing. the king replaced him.
  • Period: to

    henry ellis

    he was the second royal governor. he was well liked and succesful. henry carried cargoes of slaves from africa to jamacia in 1750 until 1755. poor health forced him to leave georgia in november of 1760
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    james wright

    he was thr third and last royal governor. he mrried sarah maidman in february 1742. they had 8 kids before her death at sea. wright became attorney general of south carolina in 1747 and he held that position until 1757
  • Period: to

    ameriacn revolution

    The war of independence of American colonies against Britain influenced political ideas and revolutions around the globe, as a fledgling, largely disconnected nation won its freedom from the greatest military force of its time.
  • elijah clarke/ kettle creek

    elijah clarke/ kettle creek
    led a rebel milita group. defeated a force of 800 british troopsof battle of kettle creek.
  • austin dabney

    austin dabney
    one of the men who followed colonel clarke at kettle creek. he was a revolutionary war hero. he was born a mixed child. he died in 1834, 55 years after battle of kettle creek.
  • university of georgia

    university of georgia
    The University of Georgia was founded in 1785. The University of Georgia (UGA) is the oldest, largest, and most comprehensive educational institution in Georgia. It is an American land-grant university and sea grant research university, and is classified as a 'Research University/Very High Activity', according to the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.
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    constitutional convention

    the constitutional convention in was in philadelphia. it met between may and september 1787. ostenibly to amend the articles of confederation. the u.s. constitution that emerged from the convection established a federal government with specific powers.
  • georgia ratifies constitution

    georgia ratifies constitution
    Ratification of the Constitution by the State of Georgia, January 2, 1788. Georgia was the fourth state to do so. Georgia's ratification message was short and to the point. The following text is taken from the Library of Congress's copy of Elliot's Debates.
  • yazoo land fraud

    yazoo land fraud
    in 1795 one of georgias worst political scandals took palce, the yazoo land fraud. at that time goergias legal boundary extended west to the mississippi river. many state leaders wanted to open this area for settlement but creeks cherokees and natives lived there
  • capital moved to louisville

    capital moved to louisville
    loouisville serves as georgias third capital. its was named in honor of king louis xvi of france. troops were sent to help colonists legislatures wanted a acapital that was more centralized based on shifting population north westward only last 1794-1807
  • missouri compromise

    missouri compromise
    their goal was to maintain balance between free and slave states. missouri enters as a slave state. maine enters as a free state. boreder created south of the missouri. north free south slave. 30 years
  • eli whitney and the cotton gin

    eli whitney and the cotton gin
    In 1793, Eli Whitney invented a simple machine that influenced the history of the United States. He invented a cotton gin that was popular in the South. The South became the cotton producing part of the country because Whitney’s cotton gin was able to successfully pull out the seeds from the cotton bolls.
  • Dahlonega Gold Rush

    Dahlonega Gold Rush
    gold was discovered in danlonga in the summer of 1829. gold fevber swept through the northgeorgia mountains. cherokee knew there was gold in the hills, the person given credit for the discovery was farmer benjamin parks . over 10 thousand miners with gold pans picks and shovels moved to cherokee land.
  • worcester v georgia

    worcester v georgia
    most people do not care about what happens tothe indians but a group of white missioneries living in cherokee territory did. to remove missionaries georgia legislaturepaased a lawon december 27,1830 that said white people could not live on cherokee land without taking an oath of alligence to the governor
  • Period: to

    henry mcneal turner

    Henry McNeal Turner (1834-1915) was an author, civil rights activist, and a bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal \ Church. Born near Abbeville, S. C., he was licensed to preach in 1853. He was the first black man to hold the position of Chaplain in the U.S. Army. Turner was active in Georgia state politics, and he served briefly in the Georgia State Legislature. He became the twelfth A.M.E. Bishop in 1880.
  • trail of tears

    trail of tears
    in dec. 1835 the cherokke was told to come to new echota. there they were to sign a treaty giving up all cherokee land that remained in the southeast. any member of the tribe who did not come was considered to have agreed with the treaty. by may 1838 about 2 thousand had gone.
  • compromise of 1850

    compromise of 1850
    cali is goimg to upset the balance of power. north cali is a free state. slave trading in washington d.c ends southutah and mexico open to vote on slavery
  • georgia platform

    georgia platform
    a set of resolutions written by charles j. jenkins and adopted in 1850 by a convention held in milledgeville, goergia, to decide on the course georgia would take reguarding the compromise of 1850.
  • kansas nesbraska act

    kansas nesbraska act
    A law passed by Congress in 1854 that divided the territory west of the states of Missouri and Iowa and the territory of Minnesota into two new territories, Kansas and Nebraska. The law was extremely controversial because it did not exclude slavery from either territory, despite the fact that the Missouri Compromise prohibited slavery in these territories. By effectively repealing the Missouri Compromise, the law outraged many northerners, led to the collapse of the Whig party and the rise of th
  • Booker T Washington

    Booker T Washington
    Booker Taliaferro Washington was an African-American educator, author, orator, and advisor to presidents of the United States. Between 1890 and 1915, Washington was the dominant leader in the African-American community
  • Period: to

    tom watson and the populists

    In the 1890s Watson championed poor farmers as a leader of the Populist Party, articulating an agrarian political viewpoint while attacking business, bankers, railroads, Democratic President Grover Cleveland, and the Democratic Party.
  • Dred Scott Case

    Dred Scott Case
    in 1834, Dred Scott, A Slave Was Taken By His Owner From Slave State Of Missouri To Free State Of Illinois. Later They Went To Wisconsin Another Free State. When Scott And His Master Returned Back To Missouri Scott Filed A Law Suit Claiming He Was Free Since He Lived In A Free State. Abolitionists From The North Raised Enough Money To Take The Case To The U.S. Supreme Court. In March 1857 The Supreme Court Ruled That Scott Cannot Sue Because He Was A Slave And The Owner Could Take Him Anywhere.
  • alonzo herndon

    Alonzo Franklin Herndon was a businessman and the founder and president of the Atlanta Family Life Insurance Company.
  • election of 1860

    election of 1860
    The election of 1860 was a four-man race led by Lincoln of the Republican Party, John Bell of the Constitutional Union Party, John Breckinridge of the Southern Democratic Party and by Douglas of the National Democratic Party. At stake during this election was the policy of slavery -- Southerners wanted the slave codes to be preserved whereas Northerners hoped to contain it.
  • election of 1860

    election of 1860
    The United States presidential election of 1860 set the stage for the American Civil War. The nation had been divided throughout most of the 1850s on questions of states' rights and slavery in the territories. In 1860, this issue finally came to a head, fracturing the formerly dominant Democratic Party into Southern and Northern factions and bringing Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party to power without the support of a single Southern state.
  • battle of Antietam

    battle of Antietam
    On September 17, 1862, Generals Robert E. Lee and George McClellan faced off near Antietam creek in Sharpsburg, Maryland, in the first battle of the American Civil War to be fought on northern soil. Though McClellan failed toutlilize his numerical superiority to crush Lee’s army, he was able to check the Confederate advance into the north. After a string of Union defeats, this tactical victory provided Abraham Lincoln the political cover he needed to issue his Emancipation Proclamation.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, as the nation approached its third year of bloody civil war
  • union blockade of georgia

    union blockade of georgia
    The Union blockade began just a few weeks after the start of the Civil War. Abraham Lincoln announced it on April 19, 1861. The Union continued to blockade the South throughout the Civil War until the war ended in 1865.
    The Union blockade was part of a larger strategy called the Anaconda Plan. The Anaconda Plan was the brainchild of Union General Winfield Scott. General Scott felt that the war could take a long time and that the best supplied armies would win.
  • Period: to

    battle of gettyssburg

    The Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania (July 1–July 3, 1863), was the largest battle of the American Civil War as well as the largest battle ever fought in North America, involving around 85,000 men in the Union’s Army of the Potomac under Major General George Gordon Meade and approximately 75,000 in the Confederacy’s Army of Northern Virginia, commanded by General Robert Edward Lee
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    andersonville prison camp

    Andersonville prison held more prisoners at any given time than any of the other Confederate military prisons. It was built in early 1864 after Confederate officials decided to move the large number of Federal prisoners in and around Richmond to a place of greater security and more abundant food. During the 14 months it existed, more than 45,000 Union soldiers were confined here. Of these, almost 13,000 died from disease, poor sanitation, malnutrition, overcrowding, or exposure to the elements.
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    shermans atlanta campaign

    In the summer of 1864, during the U.S. Civil War (1861-65), Union General William T. Sherman faced off against Confederate generals Joseph E. Johnston and John B. Hood in a series of battles in northern Georgia. Sherman’s goal was to destroy the Army of the Tennessee, capture Atlanta and cut off vital Confederate supply lines. While Sherman failed to destroy his enemy, he was able to force the surrender of Atlanta in September 1864,boosting Northern morale and greatly improving President Abraham
  • battle of chickamauga

    battle of chickamauga
    The Battle of Chickamauga in North Georgia not far from Chattanooga, Tennessee, was the largest battle fought in the Western Theater of the American Civil War. It is second only to the Battle of Gettysburg in the number of casualties
  • Period: to

    shermans march to sea

    Sherman’s March to the Sea is the name commonly given to the Savannah Campaign by Maj. Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman taking place from November 15, 1864 to December 21, 1864. which followed the successful Atlanta Campaign. After leaving the decimated city of Atlanta on November 16, Sherman led his troops on a destructive campaign which concluded with the capture of the port city of Savannah on December 21.
  • freedmans bureau

    freedmans bureau
    The Freedmen's Bureau was a federal agency established on March 3, 1865 just before the end of the Civil War, during the Reconstruction Era. The Freedmen's Bureau was established to help and protect emancipated slaves (freedmen) during their transition from a life of slavery to a life of freedom.Abraham Lincoln was the 16th American President who served in office from March 4, 1861 to April 15, 1865. The Freedmen's Bureau was a government agency initially established under Lincoln's war powers
  • 13th amendment

    13th amendment
    The Thirteenth Amendment called for the total abolition of slavery. On April 8, 1864 the United States Senate passed the resolution. Unfortunately, the United States House of Representatives refused to pass the impending legislation. President Abraham Lincoln made the abolition of slavery a key component to his 1864 re-election campaign. Lincoln's strategy worked, and the House of Representatives passed the Thirteenth Amendment on January 31, 1865.
  • ku klux klan

    ku klux klan
    The Ku Klux Klan, or simply "the Klan", is the name of three distinct movements in the United States. The first began violence against African Americans in the South during the Reconstruction Era of the 1860s, and was disbanded by 1869.
  • W.E.B Dubois

    W.E.B Dubois
    William Edward Burghardt "W. E. B." Du Bois was an American sociologist, historian, civil rights activist, Pan-Africanist, author and editor. Born in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, Du Bois grew up in a relatively tolerant and integrated community
  • 14th amendment

    14th amendment
    The 14th amendment to the US Constitution was ratified on July 9, 1868 during the Reconstruction era. It, along with the 13th and 15th amendments are collectively known as the Reconstruction amendments. However, of those three, the 14th is the most complicated and the one that has had the more unforeseen effects.
  • 15th amendment

    15th amendment
    The 15th Amendment, granting African-American men the right to vote, was formally adopted into the U.S. Constitution on March 30, 1870. Passed by Congress the year before, the amendment reads: “the right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.”
  • Period: to

    international cotton exposition

    a fair held in atlanta to show the progress since the battle of atlanta and the new developments in cotton productions. it ran from october 5,1881 to december 3,1881. located along the western atlantic railroad tracks.
  • eugene talmadge

    Eugene Talmadge was a Democratic politician who served two terms as the 67th Governor of Georgia from 1933 to 1937, and a third term from 1941 to 1943. Elected to a fourth term in 1946, he died before taking office
  • willam b hartsfield

    willam b hartsfield
    William Berry Hartsfield, Sr., was an American politician who served as the 49th and 51st Mayor of Atlanta, Georgia.
  • plessy vs. ferguson

    plessy vs. ferguson
    Plessy v. Ferguson took place in 1896 and was a landmark United States Supreme Court decision upholding the constitutionality of state laws requiring racial segregation in public facilities under the doctrine of "separate but equal".
  • john and lugenia hope

    Lugenia Burns married John Hope in 1897 and moved with him to Atlanta when he joined the faculty of the Atlanta Baptist College (now Morehouse College); he was later appointed the institution's president in 1906.
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    1906 atlanta riot

    During the Atlanta race riot that occurred September 22-24, 1906, white mobs killed dozens of blacks, wounded scores of others, and inflicted considerable property damage. Local newspaper reports of alleged assaults by black males on white females were the catalyst for the riot, but a number of underlying causes lay behind the outbreak of mob violence.
  • ivan allen jr

    ivan allen jr
    Ivan Allen, Jr., was an American businessman who served two terms as the 52nd Mayor of Atlanta, Georgia, during the turbulent civil rights era of the 1960s.
  • herman talmadge

    herman talmadge
    Herman Eugene Talmadge, Sr., was a Democratic American politician from the state of Georgia. He served as the 70th Governor of Georgia briefly in 1947 and again from 1948 to 1955
  • leo frank case

    leo frank case
    The Leo Frank case is one of the most notorious and highly publicized cases in the legal annals of Georgia. A Jewish man in Atlanta was placed on trial and convicted of raping and murdering a thirteen-year-old girl who worked for the National Pencil Company, which he managed.
  • lester maddox

    lester maddox
    Lester Garfield Maddox, Sr., was an American politician who was the 75th Governor of the U.S. state of Georgia from 1967 to 1971.
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    county unit system

    The County Unit System was a voting system used by the U.S. state of Georgia to determine a victor in statewide primary elections from 1917 until 1962.
  • world war 1

    A war fought from 1914 to 1918 between the Allies, notably Britain, France, Russia, and Italy (which entered in 1915), and the Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire.
  • martin luther king jr

    martin luther king jr
    Martin Luther King Jr. was a Baptist minister and social activist, who led the Civil Rights Movement in the United States from the mid-1950s until his death by assassination in 1968
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    great depression

    the economic crisis and period of low business activity in the U.S. and other countries, roughly beginning with the stock-market crash in October, 1929, and continuing through most of the 1930s.
  • andrew young

    andrew young
    Andrew Young Jr. was an activist for the Civil Rights Movement. He became a member of Congress, mayor of Atlanta and U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.
  • civilian conservation crops

    The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was a public work relief program that operated from 1933 to 1942 in the United States for unemployed, unmarried men from relief families as part of the New Deal. Originally for young men ages 18–23, it was eventually expanded to young men ages 17–28.
  • agricultural adjustment act

    The Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) was a United States federal law of the New Deal era which reduced agricultural production by paying farmers subsidies not to plant on part of their land and to kill off excess livestock. Its purpose was to reduce crop surplus and therefore effectively raise the value of crops.
  • rural electrification

    The Rural Electrification Act of 1935 provided federal loans for the installation of electrical distribution systems to serve rural areas of the United States. The funding was channeled through cooperative electric power companies, most of which still exist today.
  • social security

    a program of old-age, unemployment, health, disability, and survivors insurance maintained by the U.S. federal government through compulsory payments by specific employer and employee groups.
  • maynard jackson elected mayor

    maynard jackson elected mayor
    Maynard Jackson was born March 23, 1938, Dallas, Texas, and died June 23, 2003, Arlington, Virginia. American lawyer and politician, who was the first African American mayor of Atlanta, Georgia, serving three terms (1974–82 and 1990–94).
  • world war 2

    A war fought from 1939 to 1945 between the Axis powers — Germany, Italy, and Japan — and the Allies, including France and Britain, and later the Soviet Union and the United States
  • benjamin mays

    benjamin mays
    Benjamin Elijah Mays was an American black minister, educator, sociologist, social activist and the president of Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia from 1940 to 1967
  • pearl harbor

    The attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise military strike conducted by the Imperial Japanese Navy against the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, in the United States Territory of Hawaii, on the morning of December 7, 1941
  • atlanta hawks

    atlanta hawks
    The Atlanta Hawks are an American professional basketball team based in Atlanta, Georgia. They are part of the Southeast Division of the Eastern Conference in the National Basketball Association.
  • 1946 governors race

    1946 governors race
    on December 1946, Eugene Talmadge, the governor-elect of Georgia, died. The state constitution did not specify who would assume the governorship in such a situation. The situation became known as the three governors controversy. Eventually a ruling by the Supreme Court of Georgia settled the matter.
  • brown vs board of education

    brown vs board of education
    On May 17, 1954, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down racially segregated schools as unconstitutional in its landmark Brown v. Board of Education ruling. Sixty years later, explore 10 illuminating facts about the lead-up to and aftermath of this defining civil rights moment.
  • 1956 state flag

    1956 state flag
    the 1956 state flag design specified the same blue canton as defined in 1902 stamped with the great seal of the state of georgia simular to the flag that flew from some time in the 1920s the confederate battle flag was incorporated as the flags field
  • atlanta braves

    atlanta braves
    The Atlanta Braves are a Major League Baseball team in Atlanta, Georgia, playing in the Eastern Division of the National League
  • student nonviolent coordinating committee

    student nonviolent coordinating committee
    a u.s. civil rights organization formed by students and active especially during the 1960s whos aim was to achieve political and economic equality for blacks through local and regional action groups
  • Sibley Commission

    Sibley Commission
    the sibley commission was set up by gov vandiver in 1960 to gauge georgias attitude towards desegregating the public school system. in the end, vandiver accepted the commissons findingswhich were a pratical integration of schools.
  • Hamilton homles and charlayne hunter

    Hamilton homles and charlayne hunter
    Hamilton homles and Charlayne hunter were the first 2 african american students that admitted to the university of georgia. Charlayne is known for her career as an award-winning journalist and Hamilton is best known for desegregating Georgia's universities.
  • the albany movement

    the albany movement
    The Albany Movement was a desegregation coalition formed in Albany, Georgia, on November 17, 1961, by local activists, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
  • march on washington

    march on washington
    The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom took place in Washington, D.C., on August 28, 1963. Attended by some 250,000 people, it was the largest demonstration ever seen in the nation's capital, and one of the first to have extensive television coverag
  • civil rights act

    civil rights act
    The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was one of the most important civil rights laws in the history of the United States. It outlawed discrimination, ended racial segregation, and protected the voting rights of minorities and women.
  • atlanta falcons

    atlanta falcons
    The Atlanta Falcons are a professional American football team based in Atlanta, Georgia. They are a member of the South Division of the National Football Conference in the National Football League.
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    jimmy carter in georgia

    Jimmy Carter, in full James Earl Carter, Jr. (born October 1, 1924, Plains, Georgia, U.S.), 39th president of the United States (1977–81), who served as the nation’s chief executive during a time of serious problems at home and abroad. His perceived inability to deal successfully with those problems led to an overwhelming defeat in his bid for reelection. After leaving office he embarked on a career of diplomacy and advocacy, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in 2002.
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    1996 olympic games

    Atlanta 1996 Olympic Games, athletic festival held in Atlanta that took place July 19–August 4, 1996. The Atlanta Games were the 23rd occurrence of the modern Olympic Games