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ED 213 Comparative Timeline

By lashan
  • Colony of Georgia was established

    Georgia was founded in 1732 by King George. James Edward Oglethorpe was helping out with the colonies establishment. 114 new settlers arrived in Savannah, the capital of Georgia. Georgia was the 13th colony to be founded in the 13 colonies! 1732. It was established in 1732.
  • Period: to

    ED 213 Comparative Timeline

  • Georgia is not prospering under trustee rule

    The Trustees' plan did not work well for the economy because the Trustees' thought that Georgia would be a good wine making colony which in return backfired.
  • Trustees hold last meeting

    They sign and seal deed of surrender. The seal is then defaced.
  • The Revolutionary War begins

    he American Revolutionary War (1775–1783), also known as the American War of Independence, was an 18th century war between Great Britain and its Thirteen Colonies (allied with France) which declared independence as the United States of America.
  • Rules and Regulations was born

    A 15 man Council of Safety to work as an executive body to make sure that the ban stayed on the British traders.
  • Georgia became independent from britian

    Governor Sir James Wright returned to Georgia on July 14, 1779, and announced the restoration of Georgia to the crown, with the privilege of exemption from taxation. Thus Georgia became the first, and ultimately the only one, of the thirteen states in rebellion to be restored to royal allegiance.
  • The siege of Savannah

    Admiral Charles–Hector d'Estaing, teamed up with American General Benjamin Lincoln's Continental soldiers, demanding that British Commander Augustine Prevost and his 2,500 Redcoats surrender the city. Prevost refused to surrender. The Allies bombarded the city before launching a frontal assault on the British lines in October. It failed badly.
  • The American revolution in Georgia ends

    he American Revolutionary War (1775–1783), also known as the American War of Independence, was an 18th century war between Great Britain and its Thirteen Colonies (allied with France) which declared independence as the United States of America.
  • James Oglethorpe dies

    James Oglethorpe social reformer, and military leader,he conceived of and implemented his plan to establish the colony of Georgia.Oglethorpe served on the Board of Trustees of Georgia.
  • Georgia becomes he 4th state

    Georgia delegates formally sing the United states constitution at Augusta.
  • Cotton Gin invented by Eli Whitney

    Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin to revolutionize the cotton industry in the United States. Prior to his invention, farming cotton required hundreds of man-hours to separate the cottonseed from the raw cotton fibers.
  • Georgia no longer allow the import of slaves

    The House and Senate agreed on a bill, approved on March 2, 1807, called An Act to prohibit the importation of slaves into any port or place within the jurisdiction of the United States, from and after the first day of January, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eight. The bound measure also regulated the coastwise slave trade. President Thomas Jefferson signed the bill into law on March 2, 1807.
  • Gag rule is passed by congress

    The House passed the Pinckney Resolutions, authored by Henry L. Pinckney of South Carolina, on May 26, 1836, the third of which was known from the beginning as the "gag rule" and passed with a vote of 117 to 68 The first stated that Congress had no constitutional authority to interfere with slavery in the states and the second that it "ought not" do so in the District of Columbia. From the inception of the gag resolutions, Adams was a central figure in the opposition to the gag rules.
  • Georgia secedes from the Union

    January 19, 1861 Georgia Seceded from the Union. Georgia officially adopted an Ordinance of Secession, by a vote of 208-89, becoming the fifth state to secede from the Union, becoming the fifth state to secede from the Union.
  • Sherman's March to sea

    Sherman's March to the Sea refers to a long stretch of devastating Union army movements during the United States Civil War. In the fall of 1864, the Union General William Tecumseh ("Cump") Sherman took 60,000 men and pillaged his way through Georgia's civilian farmsteads.
  • The southerns states are readmitted to the union

    Having fulfilled the Congressional requirements for re-admittance to the Union, including the drafting and ratification of new state constitutions, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Louisiana came back into the Union between July 9, 1868 and July 15, 1868.
  • 15th Amendment

    The 15th Amendment was important because it gave African American men the right to vote. It was passed in 1870 and stated that the right to vote was guaranteed to any person no matter their race, color or "previous condition of servitude.". Although the Amendment passed in 1870, there were other ways of keeping black men from voting.
  • National child labor committee (NCIC) was formed

    The NCLC was formed in 1904 with an overall goal to "promote the welfare of society with respect to the employment of children in gainful occupations.".
  • 19th Amendment

    Enlarge PDF Link 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Women's Right to Vote
    Joint Resolution of Congress proposing a constitutional amendment extending the right of suffrage to women, May 19, 1919; Ratified Amendments, 1795-1992; General Records of the United States Government; Record Group 11; National Archives.
  • Talmedge elected as Governor of Georgia

    Eugene Talmadge (September 23, 1884 – December 21, 1946), born Herman Eugene Talmadge, was a Dixiecrat politician who served two terms as the 67th Governor of Georgia from 1933 to 1937, and a third term from 1941 to 1943. Elected to a fourth term in November 1946, he died before his inauguration, scheduled for January 1947.