Ch1. Whistleblowers

  • The Creation of the Whistleblower Protection Act

    The Creation of the Whistleblower Protection Act
    The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 introduced the Whistleblower rights and protections. In 1989, Congress passed the Whistleblower Protection Act to help protect federal workers. (
  • 2004 - Joe Darby & US Army

    2004 - Joe Darby & US Army
    Joe Darby exposed the sexual and physical abuse of Iraqi detainees at Abu Gharib Prison in Baghdad. In 2004 he issued CDs and photographs to the Army's criminal division and slipped an anonymous note under his supervisors door.
  • 2006 - Thomas Drake & The National Security Agency

    2006 - Thomas Drake & The National Security Agency
    Thomas Drake drew concerns over the billions of dollars spent on the Operation Stellar Wind, all the money was being wasted. He brought up his concerns to NSA and to Congress, his concerns were ignored and brushed to the side. Thomas Drake then took matters into his own hands and used encrypted emails to spill the news to other reporters.
  • 2008 - Harry Markopolos & Bernard L. Madoff

    2008 - Harry Markopolos & Bernard L. Madoff
    Harry Markopolos was an accountant expert who grew suspicion on Bernie Madoff who ran his multi billion dollar firm and Ponzi Scheme which took billions of dollars from Investors. Madoff was later sentenced to 150 years in prison.
  • 2009 - Bradley Birkenfeld & Swiss Banking System

    2009 - Bradley Birkenfeld & Swiss Banking System
    Birkenfield obtained the largest whistleblower reward for reporting IRS tax fraud. Birkenfeld blew the whistle on illegal off shore accounts held in Switzerland by US Citizens. He exposed unprecedented recoveries for US taxpayers totaling up to $780 million dollars in civil fines and penalties.
  • 2012 - Joshua Harman & Trinity Industries Inc

    2012 - Joshua Harman & Trinity Industries Inc
    Harman was rewarded $199 million or 30% of Trinity Industries because Harman accused Trinity modified and sold guardrails to federal government for use on federal highways but did not disclose the modifications as required by law.
  • 2013 - Edward Snowden & The National Security Agency

    2013 - Edward Snowden & The National Security Agency
    Snowden created the biggest NSA leak in history in 2013 by declassifying information without authorization. He exposed many global surveillance programs. Snowden's intentions were to protect the privacy, internet freedom, and basic liberties. Snowden now resides in Russia and was granted asylum by the Russia government.
  • 2013 - Chelsea Manning & The United States

    2013 - Chelsea Manning & The United States
    Chelsea Manning was a US Army Soldier who gave inside information to Wikileaks in thousands of pages of military related documents. These videos included the 2007 video of Baghdad airstrike and a 2009 airstrike in Afghanistan. She was later arrested and booked in jail for 35 years.