Causes of the Texas Recolution

  • Constitution of 1824

    No freedom of religion or slaves would anger residences.
  • Fredonian Rebellion

    Fredonian Rebellion
    If people had land they would either have to move or pay Edwards for there land
  • Mier Y Teran Report

    Mier Y Teran Report
    His job was to find natural resources, find indians and see how many people occupied Texas
  • Guerrero Decree

    Guerrero Decree
    Because the different races would move because they wouldn't be afraid of slavery
  • Law of April 6, 1830

    Law of April 6, 1830
    It enforced heavily by taking away all empresario contracts and prohibited the emigration from America
  • Conflict at Anahuac

    Conflict at Anahuac
    People were refusing to pay tariffs then Willan Travis and Patrick Jack were arrested
  • Turtle Bayou Resolutions

    Turtle Bayou Resolutions
    It was to protect the constitution of 1824
  • Battle at Velasco

    Battle at Velasco
    It was the first battle between Texas and Mexico
  • Convention of 1832

    Convention of 1832
    Donations of government lands for the maintenance of primary schools
  • Stephen F. Austin Goes to Mexico City

    Stephen F. Austin Goes to Mexico City
    Stephen F. Austin goes to Mexico City to persuade the government to repeal the law of April 6, 1830, he never convinced anyone
  • Convention of 1833

    Convention of 1833
    To repeal the abolition of slavery because the needed it back
  • The Consultation

    The Consultation
    Continued a diplomatic relations with Mexico