
Cambodian Genocide

  • Start of the genocide

    Start of the genocide
    U.S bombed Cambodia and killed nearly 150,000 people. This was the start of the genocide.
  • Prince Sihanouk taken out of power.

    Prince Sihanouk taken out of power.
    Prince Sihanouk was taken out of the Cambodian military and he was replaced with Lon Nol.
  • Pol Pot defeats Lon Nol

    Pol Pot defeats Lon Nol
    Pol Pot defeats Lon Nol and he becomes the new dictator of Cambodia.
  • Pol Pot burning evidence

    Pol Pot burning evidence
    Pol Pot shut down newspapers, radio stations, television stations, mail, and telephones so Cambodia will have no signs of life around the world.
  • "Killing Fields"

    "Killing Fields"
    Pol Pot formed "Killing fields" and forced labor to the workers. Workers suffered and usually died of discease, malnutrition, and overwork.
  • Banned Religion

    Banned Religion
    Pol Pot banned religion and wiped out every religous building in Cambodia at the time. He sometimes made people go agianst there religion restrictions and break them.
  • End of the genocide

    End of the genocide
    Vietnam invaded Cambodia and destroyed the Khmer Rouge government. Around two million people died in the genocide.
  • Pol Pot dies

    Pol Pot dies
    Pol Pot dies of a heart attack.