
Byzantine Timeline

  • 330

    Emperor Constantine I Founded the Byzantine Capital

    Emperor Constantine I Founded the Byzantine Capital
    The capitol of the Byzantine Empire was Constantinople. Constantinople was the largest and richest city in Europe and played a key role in the spread of Christianity.
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    Hagia Sophia Completed

    Hagia Sophia Completed
    A church in Contantinople that was used as the cathedral of the city. It was originally called the Magale Ekklesia but was changed to the Hagia Sophia.
  • Period: 530 to 544

    General Belisariuos Military Campaings

    Belisarious won many battles throughout his military carrer which started at the age of 25 when the emporer apointed him to command after serving as one of his body gaurds. His 3 main campaings were againsts the Vandals, the Ostrogoths, and the deposition of Pope Silverius.
  • 537

    Hagia Sophia reconstructed

    Hagia Sophia reconstructed
    Emporer Justinian ordered the rebulding of the Hagia Sophia after it was destroyed in the Nika Revolt.
  • Jan 1, 1054

    The Great Schism

    The Great Schism
    This is the event that Christianity into Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy. This hapeened over a long period of time where there wre disagrements in the church about athourity which casued a divide between the people.
  • Nov 27, 1095

    Emporer Alexios I contacts Pope Urban II for military help in the Middle East

    Emporer Alexios I contacts Pope Urban II for military help in the Middle East
    The survival of the Byzantine Empire was realying on Pope Urban II to help them because they were facing serious threats from the Seljuk Turks. The Turks came to the Middle East and took over a majority of the empire, including the Holy Land. They desperatley needed help from the Pope's knights if they wanted to protect their empire. Luckily the Pope helped them even though they had been rivals for years.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1202 to Jan 1, 1204

    Fourth Crusade

    A Western European that had the goal to conqur Jeruselm whoch was controlled by Muslim people. They were going to to do this by invading through Europe but their plans changed when they met up with the Byzantine prince who wanted help rebuliding the capitol of his empire. After they helped the prince theycontinued with their conquest, but now they had support from the Byzantine Empire.
  • May 29, 1453

    Fall of Constantinople to the ottoman Turks

    Fall of Constantinople to the ottoman Turks
    The final attak that ended the Byzantine Empire was when the Ottoman army captured Constantinople, which was the empire's capitol. The current emporer, Constantine XI, died in the battle and the turks took over the empire he left behind.
  • Nika revolt

    Nika revolt
    Constantinople has riots in the city for 5 days that result in the tens of thousands of peopledying and over half of the city is torched and destroyed. They riots occured because Emporer Justinian kills the leaders of the blue and green factions after there are multiple fights between the teo groups.
  • Period: to Jan 1, 1180

    Early Islamic military campaigns into Byzantine territory

    Byzantine Empire was the only power bordering Islamic Territory that they considered equal. They became rivals with the empire which was why their campaings against the Byzantine's were so importatnt. The Islamic people also used these campaings to increase their status as leaders.
  • Period: to Jan 1, 1018

    Emperor Basil II military conquests of Bulgaria

    Emporer Basil II first invaded Bulgaria in 991 but had to stop his conquests until 101 because of issues in the East. He then campaigned until 1014 whe he finally defeated them. In 1018 Basil gained full control of Bulgaria and had retored the full Byzantine Empire border for the first time.