BMT Timeline Project

  • Period: to

    Most Important Biomedical Scientists

  • Edward Jenner- Smallpox Vaccine

    Edward Jenner- Smallpox Vaccine
    He found the smallpox vaccine. That was once a disease that killed hundreds of millions of people and now it is so rare that they say that it is eradicated.
  • Rebecca Lee Crumpler- First Female African-American Medical Student

    Rebecca Lee Crumpler- First Female African-American Medical Student
    Rebecca Lee Crumpler was the first African-American doctor and that is a huge deal around that time period. She created a pathway for students, like me to go into the medical field.
  • Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch- Germ Theory of Disease

    Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch- Germ Theory of Disease
    They found that diseases were caused by microorganisms and that we can not see them with the naked eye. They also said that these microorganisms divide in the host body and that is how it generally spreads within the body.
  • Karl Landsteiner- Blood types + Polio

    Karl Landsteiner- Blood types + Polio
    Karl Landsteiner found that we all have different blood types. He found three blood types: A, B, and O. He also found poliomyelitis and isolated the polio virus with another scientist.
  • Diphtheria Vaccine- Emil Adolf von Behring

    Diphtheria Vaccine- Emil Adolf von Behring
    Diphtheria Vaccine was found in 1921 but was not used until the 1930s. He found it by using Guinea pigs and sheep. Thanks to this Diphtheria is extremely rare.
  • Alexander Fleming- Penicillin

    Alexander Fleming- Penicillin
    Alexander Fleming found penicillin which is very important when it comes to infections. Back during the Civil War and other wars, penicillin was vital to the soldiers and very expensive.
  • American Cancer Society- Smoking Study

    American Cancer Society- Smoking Study
    This study by the American Cancer Society showed that smoking a cigarette has an effect on cancer and other health issues. Since then I estimate that fewer people smoke and therefore there is less of a chance of getting cancer.
  • Wilson Greatbatch- Pacemaker

    Wilson Greatbatch- Pacemaker
    Wilson Greatbatch invented the pacemaker on accident. He was looking for a device to record the heart beat and instead he made the pacemaker. The pacemaker is now saving so many people lives!
  • Christiaan Bernard- Human Transplants

    Christiaan Bernard- Human Transplants
    Christian Bernard gave people a second chance by making human transplants an alternate pathway.
  • Michiaki Takahashi- Chicken Pox Vaccine

    Michiaki Takahashi- Chicken Pox Vaccine
    The Chicken Pox Vaccine was created by Michiaki Takahashi. His 3-year-old son had it so that pushed him to find a vaccine. Now this vaccine is being used world wide.