
Blood Transfusion

  • Blood Transfusion

    Blood Transfusion
    If Karl Landsteiner hadn’t discovered the different blood types, the blood transfusion couldn't have done in many cases successfully.
  • The First Transfusion

    The First Transfusion
    If Karl Landsteiner hadn’t discovered the different blood types, Luis Agote wouldn’t have done in Buenos Aires the first transfusion with blood anticoagulated with citrate.
  • World War I

    World War I
    If Karl Landsteiner hadn’t discovered the different blood types, several scientists wouldn’t have carried blood to the battlefield in the first World War.
  • Blodd Transfusion Service of the Red Cross

    Blodd Transfusion Service of the Red Cross
    If Karl Landsteiner hadn’t discovered the different blood types, it wouldn't have created the Blood Transfusion Service of the Red Cross in London.
  • The First Transplan

    The First Transplan
    If Karl Landsteiner hadn’t discovered the different blood types, it wouldn’t have done the first kidney transplant.
  • The First Blood Bank

    The First Blood Bank
    If Karl Landsteiner hadn’t discovered the different blood types, nn 1937 Dr. Bernard Fantus, a doctor at Cook County Hospital in Chicago, wouldn’t have created a service to collect donated blood in a glass jar.
  • Second World War

    Second World War
    If Karl Landsteiner hadn’t discovered the different blood types, blood transfusion wouldn't have used on a large scale to treat wounded soldiers and had been known as a method of saving lives in the Second World War.
  • Cancer Treatment

    Cancer Treatment
    If Karl Landsteiner hadn’t discovered the different blood types, the blood transfusion wouldn't have beeb a possible treatment to fight against the cancer.
  • Era of transfusions

    Era of transfusions
    If Karl Landsteiner hadn’t discovered the different blood types, hospitals and blood banks wouldn't have started the transfusion due to growth in therapy components, products for coagulation disorders and the use of plasma for immunological problems.
  • Current Diseases

    Current Diseases
    If Karl Landsteiner hadn’t discovered the different blood types, many of the current diseases wouldn’t have been treated.