
Block 8 Cates Dani

By Dani_C
  • Period: 1096 to 1291

    Crusades are Fought

    1096-1291. A serious of religious wars against Christians and Muslims. Christians were fighting to get the holy land back. Unsuccessful but did expand trade routes
  • 1300

    Renaissance Begins

    Renaissance Begins
    A French word for rebirth. People began to learn about art, greeks, humanism. Italian Renaissance was the beginning it.
  • 1337

    100 Year War Begins

    100 Year War Begins
    War was fought between France and England. Started because Charles IV died without a son. Edward III (of England) thought he should take the throne. Made treaty of bretigny.
  • 1340

    Black Death Begins in Europe

    Black Death Begins in Europe
    Spread through rats and fleas. Killed over 25 million people. Not many survivors.
  • Period: 1405 to 1433

    Zheng He's Voyages

    One of the original purposes was to destroy the pirates. another to maintain stable relationships with countries overseas
  • Period: 1405 to 1433

    Zheng He's Voyages

    Led voyages to Southeast Asia, South asia, Western asia, east africe
  • 1431

    Joan of Arc Burned at the Stake

    Joan of Arc Burned at the Stake
    Charged with heresy. Thought of being a witch because she claimed that she saw visions of god.
  • 1440

    Johannes Gutenberg printing press

    Johannes Gutenberg printing press
    Allowed news to be spread faster, first interchangeable letters. First print was the bible.
  • May 29, 1453

    Fall of Constantinople

    Fall of Constantinople
    Capture of the capital of the Byzantine empire. Went from Christian to Muslim owned.
  • 1457

    Lord George McCartney Expelled

    Lord George McCartney Expelled
    Was sent to talk to the court of the qing dynasty. Tried to convice to open more trades.
  • Nov 1, 1478

    Start of the Spanish Inquisition

    Start of the Spanish Inquisition
    Used to purify people in Spain. No jews, protestants or other non- believers
  • 1491

    King Henry VIII reign

    King Henry VIII reign
    Also known as King Henry of Winchester. Took throne when only nine.Died at age 65. Ruled longer than anyone.
  • 1492

    Colombian Exchange

    Colombian Exchange
    Big Trades of plants, animals, the culture, human population, technology. A lot of ideas
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Christopher Columbus lands in the new world

    Christopher Columbus lands in the new world
    He thought he landed in the west indies but landed in the americas. Found America, Found indians.
  • Period: Oct 6, 1494 to Sep 6, 1566

    Sultan Suleyman Reign

    expansion and improving legal system. during the time he led troops in battle
  • 1503

    Mona lisa completed

    Mona lisa completed
    painted by Leonardo de Vinci.
  • 1508

    Michelangelo begins painting the Sistine chapel

    Michelangelo begins painting the Sistine chapel
  • Aug 23, 1514

    Battle of Chaldiran

    Battle of Chaldiran
    A battle between the Ottoman Empire and the Safavid empire. Won and took anatolia and northern Iraq for Safavid empire.
  • Oct 17, 1517

    95 thesis martin luther

    95 thesis martin luther
    95 things Martin Luther hated about the Catholic church. Mainly indulgences. Everything wrong with the catholic church
  • 1521

    Cortez defeats Aztecs

    Cortez defeats Aztecs
  • 1532

    The prince

    The prince
    Written by Machiavelli. Wrote about politics and power.
  • 1532

    Pizarro Defeats Incas

    Pizarro Defeats Incas
    Pizarro defeated Incas because of wanted riches. Kidnapped ataphula and held for ransom. Many had died from disease so it was easy to defeat.
  • 1545

    Counter Reformation

    Counter Reformation
    Period where the catholic churched inporoved the curch through the protestant reformation
  • 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    Peace of Augsburg
    A temporary settlement with the Roman empire. bad things going on with the reformation is what caused this.
  • Spanish Armada

    Spanish Armada
    Was a fleet of ships. Battle against spain and england. Spain lost to england.
  • Edict of Nantes

    Edict of Nantes
    Granted protestants of France some rights to the nation Henry wanted to promote civil unity. Ended wars of religion.
  • Period: to

    Era of the Samurai

    Warriors of premodern Japan. Made up ruling of military class
  • William Shakespeare Death

    William Shakespeare Death
    No more romeo and juliet
  • Taj Mahal Completed

    Taj Mahal Completed
    Mausoleum for late wife who died at childbirth
  • Opium War

    Opium War
    Two wars. Between China and the British empire over British trade of opium and chinas sovreingthy